Nine Foot Tall Revival Angel Appears to Patricia King

Patricia King, the spinner of tall tales and doctrinal confusion is at it again.  This video doesn't need any commentary. If you believe this claim of hers then we'd like to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.


Patricia King is associated with The New Apostolic Reformation.

For those who think it's mean, judgmental and un-loving to criticize Patricia King (or any other popular teacher) here's something just for you: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.

Finally, here's an important article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.

"Step Into the Healing Flow and Receive God's Will for Your Life!" Jennifer LeClaire


Here is a screen shot from Jennifer LeClaire's Facebook page today:

Is it really "a John 5:4 season in the body of Christ" as she says?

Well, John 5:4 is the just about the WORST verse in the whole New Testament to be "proclaimed" or "declared" or "decreed."  Some translations of the Bible (The NIV and ESV, for example) don't even have this verse-they just go from John 5:3 right to John 5:5! Why? Because this is the story of the angel stirring up the pool water that would cause people to get healed, and many experts believe this was inserted into the Bible later. Many reliable and early manuscripts don't contain this story. The real purpose of this passage is to show that Jesus is God (not that Jesus is your personal genie-in-a-bottle). He's the God who can (really) heal people, and we are not to trust in a pool that's been stirred up by an angel-or any other superstition. 

Jennifer LeClaire saying: "it's a John 5:4 season in the body of Christ!" is kinda like saying: "it's a stirred up pool season in the body of Christ!" 

By the way, less than a day earlier she declared it was witchcraft season:


How many people who "declare" that "they have their healing" by the "power of their confession" will remain sick and even die? How many will have been distracted from the true power of the Gospel? How many will have fervently tried to "step into the healing flow" without receiving anything? When LeClaire says that you can step into the healing flow and receive God's will for your life, she's saying that it IS God's will for you to be healed. Anyone who doesn't get healed is, in this very faulty way of thinking,  outside of God's will. It's your fault-you didn't declare it enough. You didn't believe it enough. You didn't order the DVDs and books enough. You didn't go to the conferences enough. You didn't do something... enough. 

The true power of the Gospel is to forgive sins and defeat death! That's greater than any temporary healing.

Here's something we can say with complete confidence:

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
— Mathew 6: 9-13

Here's a much better, Biblical perspective on healing from Joni Eareckson Tada:

For those who think it's mean, judgmental and un-loving to criticize Jennifer LeClaire (or any other popular teacher) here's something just for you: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.

Finally, here's an important article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.

Redeeming Sex or Confusing Everyone About Sex?

Watch this confusing video of Deb Hirsch talking about her book (from Christian publisher InterVarsity) called "Redeeming Sex" and see if it makes any sense to you:

Okay, now that you've watched this, can you figure out what she's actually talking about? Based on the confusing things she said while promoting her book, maybe she will need to write another book to explain what this one is about.

Hirsch says, "One of the first things the church needs to do, and realize, is that every human (doesn't matter what age you are)... male/female, gay/straight, no matter who you are... we are profoundly sexual beings." She continues, "My definition of sexuality is really about our need to know and be known, to love and be loved, our longing for intimacy and be connected with the other." That's an incredibly vague definition, but things really go downhill from there...

She talks about our "social sexuality-not just the act of sex... there are multiple ways we love God and give our worship to Him, just as there are multiple ways we can love others, and that's the expression of our sexuality... rather than limiting it to one aspect of who we are. But it's very hard to engage in the depth of relationship that, I think, God has for us, unless we broaden our understanding of sexuality." Huh? So sexuality, as we've always understood it, is too narrow a definition, and once we fundamentally change the meaning of it (or "broaden our understanding") we'll really have it figured out? How about if we look to God's Word for the correct definition of who we are and what "sexuality" is? 

Hirsch says a bunch of other confusing things about needing to "have a conversation" in "our communities" that requires "vulnerability" but then gets to this: 

"I fear that our boundaries and our fear is actually stopping us from being the people that God has called us to be."

It's hard to know what "boundaries" and "fears" she's talking about, but if we look around at the world of modern Evangelicalism, we see a sex-obsessed, divorce-loving, marriage-destroying, pornographic train wreck of a sub-culture.

Maybe a "lack of boundaries" isn't the problem?


HERE is a thorough (and thoughtful) review of this book. 

Prophetic Super Bowl Analysis

Lance Wallnau, a major celebrity in the New Apostolic Reformation and key teacher of the Seven Mountain Mandate took time on Super Bowl Sunday to weigh in on the prophetic significance of the game. We've posted Lance's pregame video and post game analysis. 

The absurdity of the these videos, in their attempts to plumb the prophetic meaning of Super Bowl 50, demonstrate just how far off the rails the Charismatic Movement has travelled. None of this nonsense has any value in fulfilling the Great Commission. In fact, this is an impediment to accomplishing the Great Commission.

Lance Wallnau is a leader within the New Apostolic Reformation.

Joel Osteen's "Power of I Am" Book = New Age Pagan Book


Wow! Where does Joel Osteen get these clever book ideas?!... 



Oh yeah, he's copies his ideas from New Age/Non-Christian books...



Olsteen has the same ideas as some real interesting people...

Rick Joyner's Demonic Voodoo "Church"

Warning: Viewer discretion advised; the following video is pretty scary:

This video is from a Morningstar Ministries broadcast, but somebody else added the text later; the original video was most likely removed by Morningstar Ministries after somebody realized how this looks much more like a voodoo ritual than a Christian church service. It starts with Joyner himself announcing "Lord, move among us..." and he walks offstage. Then the other (worship?) pastor says "alright, Tori's got something she's gonna release, and when this releases it's gonna be like a starting gun for the ministry time. So those of you who'd like ministry, go ahead and stand up, get in the middle section; youth, children, those who've been touched by the fire... prepare to minister... yeah, he's here."

Let's think about this for a minute: he said that this woman has "something that she's gonna release" and then he says "when this releases it's gonna be like a starting gun for ministry time..." Just based on those words alone this cannot be the Holy Spirit; unless you actually believe that the sovereign God of the universe is really an impersonal force that can be bottled up and then "released" by an incoherent, babbling woman who launches into a frightening spell of shouting, chanting, sobbing and repetitive phrases; resulting in a lot of people twisting, contorting and shaking uncontrollably. 

For those of you who aren't disturbed by this video (because you think the true Holy Spirit is causing these things to happen) please read about the faulty and un-Biblical teaching behind Joyner and others like him: The Rick Joyner Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bible-Twisting and Overall Wackiness

Rick Joyner doesn't want you to remember that he was part of The Charismatic Day of Infamy

Finally, this is a very helpful article about the many false beliefs, half-truths and misunderstandings that have crept into the church and are making discernment so difficult: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs


Here's another video where the same woman, Tori, is shown again; she was apparently a "Senior" in a school that was held at Morningstar Ministries:

Bethel Church Cancels "Serious Death" & Releases Chickens, Barbecues and Houses


In what can only be described as a moment of utter foolishness and nonsense, Georgian Banov at Bill Johnson's Bethel Church in Redding, California in the video below claims to be canceling "serious death" while releasing the Jubilee blessings of chickens, souvenirs, refrigerators, five bedroom houses and barbecues. 

Not sure what any of that means? Well, see for yourself by watching the video below.

Warning: You may want to wear protective gear while watching the video.

Here's a very slick and expensive video promoting enrollment in Banov's "Global School of Supernatural Ministry." Here you can "meet the new unstoppable you" and "change the atmosphere" and shake around and jump up and down a lot. Banov's video tells us "the grace chase is on!" 

You must chase after my grace. And jump up and down a lot.
— Said Jesus Never

Here are the Banov's in one of their finer moments:

Bethel Church is part of the New Apostolic Reformation.

Holy Spirit or Strange Fire?

The people who put this video together did such a fine job of capturing example after example of absurd and patently false manifestations of Holy Spirit that were touted as legit that it deserves an exhibit here in the Museum of Idolatry. As you watch this video ask yourself, "Why on earth would anybody who calls themselves a Christian believe that these are manifestations of the Holy Spirit?"

Ned Flanders even makes an appearance at the 4:07 mark in this video.

Charismatic Southern Baptist Pastor Embraces Book of Mormon

Here's an amazing little article from our friends at Pulpit and Pen about a Charismatic Southern Baptist pastor who has taken a stand in support of the Book of Mormon (and against the Bible):

Charismatics are really into new revelations (new "words from God"), so this is an understandable (but very wrong) direction to take. Mormons teach people to read their Book of Mormon and wait to see if they get "a burning in their bosom" to confirm that it's true "in their hearts." Charismatics often do something very similar and emphasize feelings and experiences over the objective and unchanging Word of God.

Oh, and yes, people claim to get that burning in their bosom all the time.

Charisma Magazine Says Jesus Wants to Give You Golden Tickets

Charisma Magazine just released an article by Bob Hartley titled 2016 Cashing in on Your Golden Tickets which claims that Hartley received a prophetic vision that reveals that Jesus is just like Willy Wonka and He wants to give you golden Tickets. Here is a portion of Hartley's nonsensical and unbiblical vision:

I dreamed I was sitting at a table with The Lord and he was starting to talk about (with incredible excitement) this time of restored or released inheritances that had never been seen, heard or even thought up before. I don't think I have ever seen His eyes so full of wonder and excitement.

He then spoke of how there had been inheritances put in our bank accounts, but they were for a point in time for us to cash in on. He kept saying "Did you get the memo?" and that it's time to write a check on the deposit of inheritance He had given us. Those around the table were looking bewildered but excited and intrigued. He kept saying "Didn't you get the memo?" He was so fun and alive. He said "You have an inheritance as kings and queens ... this is yours."

Next, He put us in little red wagons and pulled us up the hill to show us what our inheritance was. I felt like the one from Luke 15 who hadn't realized his inheritance that he had at home.

He said: "It's time to cash in on these golden tickets."

  • I saw that each of us had many golden tickets, like what you get when you are at a carnival and you throw the ball and hit the target.
  • We had hundreds of these golden tickets in our hands and each one was incredibly precious.

    (Online Source)

This so-called vision is utter nonsense and it is blasphemous and irresponsible of Charisma Magazine to publish this garbage as if it comes directly from our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The core problem here is that Hartley and Charisma Magazine are deceived and do not believe what scripture says about itself, that it is sufficient. We strongly recommend that you take the time to listen to this lecture on Sola Scriptura.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
— 2 Timothy 4: 3-4

Jonathan Cahn Partners With Arch Heretic Ken Copeland

Jonathan Cahn's transition to the dark side is now complete. He has now taken his eschatologically indefensible prognostications to the Dark Lord of the Heretical Sith, Ken Copeland.

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
— Romans 16:17–18

Need we say more?

Great Tribulation Countdown Clock

Are you ready for The Great Tribulation? If not, then maybe you were unaware that the Jim Bakker Show has announced that it will begin in March. See the video below for more information.

But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
— Jesus Christ the Son of God

We think Jesus was right regarding knowing when the end times are going to happen. Therefore, we predict that The Great Tribulation will not begin in March as Jim Bakker has lead us to believe. March 2016 will be as prophetically significant as Y2K. The only one who is benefitting from this end times scam is Jim Bakker.

Bill Johnson: "I've Never Seen Anything That Violent Before!"

Was Bill talking about a terrorist attack? A criminal assault caught on camera? An illegal dog fight?...

Nope. He's talking about his wife, Beni, and the violent convulsions she was thrown into at the Toronto Airport Revival.

Beni says, "For 20 to 25 minutes I shook violently, and my husband couldn't hold onto me-he had to let me go; and he says 'I have never seen anything that violent before' and he still hasn't seen anything that violent."

If that isn't weird and creepy enough, she then utters this amazing (and contradictory) sentence:

"I had absolutely no control over my body at all, but I knew it was God; I didn't know what it was." 

I used to convict people of sin and lead them to repentance so they could have their sins forgiven, and I used to direct people’s attention towards Jesus… But now I just shake them around violently. That’s so much better!
— Said The Holy Spirit Never

Please read more on this topic at the Berean Examiner