Christ-Centered and Cross-Focused Talk Radio. It’s not just what people WANT to hear, but what people NEED to hear.
About Pirate Christian Radio
“Pirates are vicious, cruel, and heartless thieves. What were you thinking when you named a Christian radio station after them?”
“Pirate” radio stations are those that broadcast from outside of “the system.” Our station is no different. Now-a-days, far too many “Christian” radio stations have become havens for every absurd fad and the foul winds of bad doctrine that are blowing through the church. Sadly, the Gospel and sound doctrine have mysteriously disappeared from large segments of the “Christian” airwaves. The system has become corrupted by money, false doctrine, and false teaching. That is why it was necessary for us to create a “pirate” Christian radio station.
Pirate Christian Radio is an online radio station that is free from the scurvy plagues of pop-psychology, goofy fads, self-help, pietism, purpose-drivenism, the prosperity heresy, contemplative mysticism, seeker-sensitivism, liberalism, relevantism, Emergent nonsense, and the sissy-girly Oprah-fied religiosity that is being passed off in our churches as “Biblical Christianity.”
Every day this radio station proclaims “Christ crucified for our sins” as we defend THE historic Christian faith.
If you're looking for “Biblical Principles” that will improve your financial situation, help you raise happier children, or have a more fulfilling sex life, then you're NOT going to like what you hear broadcast on Pirate Christian Radio.
But, if you are looking for Christian programming that is truly Christ-Centered, proclaiming the good news that Christ's life, death, and resurrection was given FOR YOU to forgive your sins, then you will find Pirate Christian Radio to be a refreshing stream of living water that quenches your thirsty soul.
About Fighting for the Faith
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)
Fighting for the Faith is our flagship production, providing a new podcast every weekday on Pirate Christian Radio. Helmed by our Captain, Pastor Chris Rosebrough, Fighting for the Faith is the program that has been dishing up your daily dose of Biblical discernment since 2008. The goal has always been to help you think biblically, help you think critically, and help you to slow down, stop, and open up your Bible and compare what people are saying in the Name of God to the Word of God.
There is no shortage of crazy things being said out there. We take the time to actually put things back into context by opening up the Bible and using sound biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, to test and see what the most popular pastors, preachers, teachers, conference speakers, and those put forth by the “Evangelical Industrial Complex” are saying to the Church and to the world.
We “fact check” what they say to see if it actually squares with what God's Word says. We encourage you to look at the Bible to see if they are preaching and teaching historic, biblical, Christian, orthodox theology and doctrine, or if they are twisting God's Word, teaching for shameful gain what they aught not to teach.
Most week days the show starts with Pastor Rosebrough evaluating a few of the latest heretics and Bible twisters. Then we offer a hearty dose of tomfoolery with skits that teach while they entertain. Then the 2nd hour is usually a sermon review where portions of the sermon are interspersed with commentary. We also share a Bible Study every Wednesday that we like to call “Rosebrough's Ramblings Thru the Bible.”
A Word from Our Captain
Both our radio station and our daily show are “listener-supported,” which means we depend upon your gifts and generosity in order to bring our broadcast and podcasts to you and to the world.
If you don't already support us, we welcome you to do so by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons below to either join our crew or make a one-time donation.
Or you can make your gift payable to:
Pirate Christian Media
Post Office Box 13344
Grand Forks, ND 58208
We thank you for your support.
Your Servant in Jesus Christ
Captain, Pirate Christian Media
Pastor, Kongsvinger Lutheran Church
Your support makes this possible…
“I struggled to “live the good life” for the Lord, yet always coming up short by my sin. Your explanation of law and grace has helped me settle down and truly live a peaceful life, knowing I simply cannot ever “do” my way into God’s favor.”