Defecting From Todd White & Lifestyle “Christianity”


Steve Kozar Interview With Trevor Parmentier RE: His Defection from Todd White and Lifestyle Christianity

For a TON of information about Todd White please check out this article from The Messed Up Church:

The Todd White Cornucopia of False Teaching

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Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception" (Audio Version)


Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception" (Audio Version)

Here's another interview with Costi Hinn from last March where Costi tells more of his personal story to Kozar: Interview With Costi Hinn: Leaving Uncle Benny to (Really) Follow Jesus

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Conversation with Phil Johnson RE: Michael Brown & His NAR "Truth"

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Interview with Bryan Wolfmueller by Steve Kozar


Special bonus episode of Fighting for the Faith: Interview with Bryan Wolfmueller by Steve Kozar


"Has American Christianity Failed?" Book

World Wide Wolfmueller

When did the Church Turn Into Amway?



Here's a (very important) GIF of Pastor Wolfmueller drinking coffee:


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Interview With Matt Richard


Interview with Pastor Matt Richard by Steven Kozar

About the book: "Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?"
Pastor Richard on Worldview Everlasting talking about "The Giver of Bling."

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Calamari Discord

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Seeker-Sensual Church Growth


An examination of the Seeker-Sensual approach to "growing church".  A "Pirate Gang Conversation" with @Aspree & Steven Kozar

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Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown


Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown's Equivocation, Obfuscation and Manipulation About the New Apostolic Reformation. A "Pirate Gang Conversation" with @Aspree & Steven Kozar

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Heresy Hiding in Plain Sight


Examining the Theology in Hillsong's Praise Songs-"Pirate Gang Conversation" with @Aspree & Steven Kozar

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Discerning Discernment


Conversation with @Aspree, Steve Kozar and Chris Rosebrough about Discerning Discernment

Here's the article that is referenced in this program: How to Ignore "Discernment Bloggers" and Stay Comfortably Clueless

Here's an interview with Chris Rosebrough on Issues Etc. about the Code Orange Revival: This Week in Pop-American Christianity: The Code Orange Revival


Amy writes for the Berean Examiner and the blog Berean Research 

Steven Kozar writes for the Messed Up Church and is the "Master Curator" of The Museum of Idolatry

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Has Your Church Fallen For the Lies of the N.A.R.?


Chris Rosebrough, @Aspree & Steve Kozar The Six Signs Your Church Has Fallen for the Lies of the New Apostolic Reformation

Here are a LOT of additional resources about The New Apostolic Reformation (this is probably the most extensive compilation of NAR material anywhere on the internet):

The Six Hallmarks of a NAR Church (What your church and your pastor must know!)

The New Apostolic Reformation Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Dominionism, Charismania and Deception (there are 30 links here to extensive articles, interviews and programs-do your homework!)

The Bill Johnson Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bible-Twisting, and General Absurdity

The Rick Joyner Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bible-Twisting and and Overall Wackiness

The Charismatic Day of Infamy: June 28, 2008


Amy writes for the Berean Examiner and the blog Berean Research 

Steven Kozar writes for the Messed Up Church and is the "Master Curator" of The Museum of Idolatry

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The Three Battles


00:04:52 - Interview with Steve Kozar
01:39:24 - Sermon Review: The Three Battles by Alex Kendrick

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Bonus - Interview on Rogue Talk RE: Sound Exegesis


Bonus - Chris Rosebrough is interviewed by Evan Goeglin on the Rogue Talk radio program regarding how to properly handle and understand God's Word.

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Interview with Kerri Ferguson


• Interview with Kerri Ferguson

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C3 Penrith Scandal (Part 2) – The cover-up scandal that Pringle refused to deal with

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Interview with Alan Kurschner


• Interview with Alan Kurschner
• Two Good Gospel Sermons to End of the Week

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