Eastlake's Blasphemous Betrayal

Eastlake's Blasphemous Betrayal
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Heidi Baker on Matt Sorger's Program
• Email
• Eastlake's Blasphemous Betrayal
• Two Sermons by Chris Rosebrough and Jeremy Rhode

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Blessed Life or Curse of the Law?

Blessed Life or Curse of the Law?
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


• Biblical Debunking of Robert Morris' Blessed Life which shows that is a false teaching that puts Christians back Under the Mosaic Law

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Rosebrough's Ramblings Thru Genesis - Genesis 6 Part 2

Rosebrough's Ramblings Thru Genesis - Genesis 6 Part 2
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Rosebrough's Ramblings Thru Genesis - Genesis 6 Part 2

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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Is It Illegal for God to Operate in the Earth?

Is It Illegal for God to Operate in the Earth?
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


• Prophecy Open Mic
Keith Craft Redefines Christian Belief
Eric Dykstra's Prophetic Word for 2015
Myles Munroe Says It is Illegal for God to Operate in the Earth
• Sermon Review: Celebrating Gateways by Michael Murphy at Proclaimer Church

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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Your Suddenly is Coming

Your Suddenly is Coming
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


William Tapley and Tiger Woods' Missing Tooth
• Your Suddenly is Coming
Perry Stone & The Meaning of Ox Cart
Joel Osteen and Your Due Season
• Sermon Review: Dreams by Ian Sullivan of CFTN

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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What's Your Red Sea Moment?

What's Your Red Sea Moment?
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


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TD Jakes Narcigetes The Resurrection of Jesus
• Is Priscilla Shirer a Sound Exegete?
• Good Sermon: The Only Gospel by Martyn Lloyd Jones

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Adventures in Missing the Point

Adventures in Missing the Point
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


• Should Church Praise Band Sing Miley Cyrus' Songs in Church?
Paula White on Breaking Self-Imposed Word Curses
Creflo Dollar On Making the Holy Spirit Your Financial Advisor
• Sermon Review: The Power of Your Schedule by Bill Hybels

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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Self Theology

Self Theology
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Patricia King Releases World Changers
David Crank's Snapshot of Self Theology
Ken Copeland's 2015 "Prophecies" Part 2
• Sermon Review: #Potential - Opportunities Glyn Barret of Audacious Church

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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Alex Malarky Recants Story About Visiting Heaven

Alex Malarky Recants Story About Visiting Heaven
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


William Tapley Says French Terrorist Attack Was an 8:15 Event
• Email
Alex Malarky Recants Story About Visiting Heaven and its Ramifications
Ken Copeland's 2015 "Prophecy"
• Good Sermon by Gervase Charmley on the Law of Liberty

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Analysis of the Accuracy of Pat Robertson's 2014 Prophecies

Analysis of the Accuracy of Pat Robertson's 2014 Prophecies
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Larry Huch-ster's Latest Money Scam
• Look at John 10:10 in Context
• Analysis of the Accuracy of Pat Robertson's 2014 Prophecies
• Sermon Review: Fifty Shades of They by Ed Young

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Itching Ears

Itching Ears
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


• Preach the Word by Alistair Begg
• Itching Ears by Alistair Begg

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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The Year of Flow?

The Year of Flow?
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Cindy Jacob's "Word of the Lord" for 2015
Furtick Says 2015 is the Year of Flow
• Sermon Review: It's Time by Patrick Ondrey of Summit Church

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Perry Noble's Two Apologies

Perry Noble's Two Apologies
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Johnny Enlow 2015 Double For Your Trouble
Paula White's First Fruits Scam
Perry Noble's Two Apologies
• Sermon Review: How to Simplify Your Live in 1137 Steps by David Ashcraft

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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8:15 Mystery is Solv-ed

8:15 Mystery is Solv-ed
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


William Tapley Solves the 8:15 Mystery
Heidi Baker's Husband Roland Waxes Weird
Terri Savelle Foy's 2015 Challenge
Osteen Says to Choose Faith In Spite Of The Facts
• Three Good Sermons by Brent Kuhlman, Ron Hodel and Mark Bestul

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Mornings With The Holy Spirit?

Mornings With The Holy Spirit?
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Jennifer LaClaire's Mornings With The Holy Spirit
Chuck Pierce's Prophetic Song
Perry Stone's Misuse of Biblical Typology
• Interview with Jovan Mackenzy Discussing His Album, All Hail

Visit jovanmackenzy.com for more information or to purchase, All Hail

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Why God Gave the Law

Why God Gave the Law
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


• Why God Gave the Law by Phil Johnson

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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Perry Noble's Explanation

Perry Noble's Explanation
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


John Paul Jackson's False Prophecy
• What's Wrong With Dr. Caroline Leaf's Theology
• Analysis Perry Noble's Explanation
• Sermon Review: The Jesus Rhythm by Brady Boyd

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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2015 Harvest of Heresy

2015 Harvest of Heresy
Chris Rosebrough I Fighting for the Faith


Katie Souza's Decrees for 2015
Clarice Fluit and a Fresh Epiphany
Jack Hayford Declares Robert Morris to be the 4th Member of the Trinity
Keith Craft's State of the Church Address
• Sermon Review: Breakthrough Year by Casey Henagan of Keypoint Church

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

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