Necromancy, Blood and Deception

Necromancy, Blood and Deception
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Rosebrough's Ramblings on the Kingdom

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Activate Your Spiritual Sense of Smell

Activate Your Spiritual Sense of Smell
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:09:28 Miranda Nelson Zonked in the Spirit
00:19:32 Patricia King Re-digging the Wells
00:36:03 Jereme Nelson Activate Your Spiritual Sense of Smell
01:04:49 Sermon Review: Win Within - How to Speak Like a Pro by Andy Wood

"Pastor" Andy Wood

"Pastor" Andy Wood

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Korah's Rebellion

Korah's Rebellion
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Good Sermon by Phil Johnson

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Are You a Dream Chaser?

Are You a Dream Chaser?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:07:03 Colette Toach Calling the Prophets to Arms
00:23:08 Ryan LeStrange Dream Killers
00:43:11 Jeremy Baker Be a Dream Chaser
01:02:57 Sermon Review: Fight for Your Dream by Mark Batterson

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Life is NOT Fair

Life is NOT Fair
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith

00:12:33 Round Up of September 23rd Failures
01:12:24 Sermon Review: Life is Not Fair by Troy Gramling
2:01:38 Sermon Review: The Gospel Makes Us Equal by Chris Rosebrough

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Revenge is Never Yours

Revenge is Never Yours
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Rosebrough's Ramblings on the Kingdom

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When The Water Breaks?!?!

When The Water Breaks?!?!
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:07:27 Joel Osteen When The Water Breaks
00:26:01 Perry Stone Parallels Between Jerusalem & America
00:48:38 Jonathan Cahn America Found in Biblical Paradigm?
01:04:00 Sermon Review: The Foundation of Financial Health by Kerrick Thomas

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An Updated Listener's Guide to the Pulpit

An Updated Listener's Guide to the Pulpit
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Interview with Todd Wilken on An Updated Listener's Guide to the Pulpit

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Beth Moore's Bizarre NAR Eschatology

Beth Moore's Bizarre NAR Eschatology
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:04:41 Patricia King Mishandles the Lord's Prayer
00:13:35 Jentezen Franklin The Blessing is in the Breaking
00:42:12 Beth Moore Bizarre Echatology
01:07:14 Sermon Review: Five Leadership Tests by Bill Hybels


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The Abomination of Slander & Gossip

The Abomination of Slander & Gossip
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Rosebrough's Ramblings on The 8th Commandment

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Who Is Your Elijah?

Who Is Your Elijah?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:05:46 Ryan LeStrange Divine Mantles and Mandates
00:17:06 Katie Souza Do You Have the Image of An Idol on Your Soul?
00:45:08 Matt Sorger Season of Birthing Things in the Spirit
00:54:36 Jennifer LeClaire Who is Your Elijah?
01:08:27 Sermon Review: Vision Weekend 2017 by Adam Huschka

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Is Hillsong a Part of the NAR? A Pirate Gang Conversation

Is Hillsong a Part of the NAR? A Pirate Gang Conversation
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith

For this episode Chris Rosebrough and Steve Kozar are joined by their Australian friend, Erik Pederson! Erik used to be deeply involved in NAR churches in Australia and now that he has "escaped" he wants to warn others of the dangers. Here's Erik's podcast: The Outback Bereans


Noah's Ark Menu Explained

Noah's Ark Menu Explained
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:08:29 Amanda Wells Explains the Menu on Noah's Ark
00:19:02 Kong Hee The Law of Imagination
00:36:11 Michael Brown Claims No Relationship Between Brownsville and Toronto
01:07:18 Sermon Review: Extravagant Giving by Cindy Jacobs

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Goliath Must Fall!

Goliath Must Fall!
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:08:40 Bruce Allen Christians Will Experience Literal Body Transfigurations
00:22:35 Shawn Bolz Main Way God Speaks is Through Impressions
00:38:33 Ken Copeland vs Hurricane Irma
00:56:37 James Goll Which Miracle Narrative Are You a Part Of?
01:17:55 Sermon Review: Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio

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The Lesser of Two Lies

The Lesser of Two Lies
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Rosebrough's Ramblings The Kingdom

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Get Up

Get Up
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:13:44 Katt Kerr & Lance Wallnau Take Authority Over Irma
00:39:02 Steve Cioccolanti The Revelation 12 Sign?
01:12:22 Sermon Review: Get Up by Robert Madu

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The Spear Meant for Jesus

The Spear Meant for Jesus
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Rosebrough's Ramblings The Kingdom

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported


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Proof Copeland's Heresies Have Been Objectively Discredited

Proof Copeland's Heresies Have Been Objectively Discredited
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:08:11 Thoughts About and Affirmation of the Nashville Statement
00:16:05 Kay Nash, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Heather Curnew  September Prophecy Round Up
01:04:46 Sermon Review: Special Report on Hurricane Harvey by Ken Copeland's Believers Voice of Victory

From the Museum of Idolatry:

Word of Faith Superstar Kenneth Copeland Proven 100% WRONG (and Nobody Cares)

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Two Kings of Israel

Two Kings of Israel
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


Rosebrough's Ramblings The Kingdom

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