Charisma Magazine Says Jesus Wants to Give You Golden Tickets
/Charisma Magazine just released an article by Bob Hartley titled 2016 Cashing in on Your Golden Tickets which claims that Hartley received a prophetic vision that reveals that Jesus is just like Willy Wonka and He wants to give you golden Tickets. Here is a portion of Hartley's nonsensical and unbiblical vision:
I dreamed I was sitting at a table with The Lord and he was starting to talk about (with incredible excitement) this time of restored or released inheritances that had never been seen, heard or even thought up before. I don't think I have ever seen His eyes so full of wonder and excitement.
He then spoke of how there had been inheritances put in our bank accounts, but they were for a point in time for us to cash in on. He kept saying "Did you get the memo?" and that it's time to write a check on the deposit of inheritance He had given us. Those around the table were looking bewildered but excited and intrigued. He kept saying "Didn't you get the memo?" He was so fun and alive. He said "You have an inheritance as kings and queens ... this is yours."
Next, He put us in little red wagons and pulled us up the hill to show us what our inheritance was. I felt like the one from Luke 15 who hadn't realized his inheritance that he had at home.
He said: "It's time to cash in on these golden tickets."
- I saw that each of us had many golden tickets, like what you get when you are at a carnival and you throw the ball and hit the target.
- We had hundreds of these golden tickets in our hands and each one was incredibly precious.
(Online Source)
This so-called vision is utter nonsense and it is blasphemous and irresponsible of Charisma Magazine to publish this garbage as if it comes directly from our Lord Jesus Christ.
The core problem here is that Hartley and Charisma Magazine are deceived and do not believe what scripture says about itself, that it is sufficient. We strongly recommend that you take the time to listen to this lecture on Sola Scriptura.
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”