Who Will Be the First Vision-Casting Leader To Sport a Man Bun/Braid?

Since the entire Seeker-Driven movement is predicated on false notion that pagans won't make decisions for Jesus unless the church is cool, relevant and culturally hip, it is only a matter of time until Seeker-Driven Vision-Casting Leaders start sporting Man Buns, Man Braids or a combo of both.

We're certain that it is only a matter of days until we see this happening on the stage of one of the big box multi-site church's and we'll be sure to note who the winner is by honoring them with their own exhibit here in the Museum. In the meantime, who do you think the first Seeker-Driven Vision-Casting Leader to sport a Man Bun/Braid will be?

Will it be...

Levi Lusko
Steven Furtick
Ed Young
Perry Noble
Carl Lentz
Rick Warren
Mark Driscoll
Judah Smith
Andy Stanley
Eric Dykstra
Bill Cornelius
Rob Bell
Bill Hybels
Pope Francsis
or some other leader not listed here?

Jews in France Must Be Prepared to Hide Themselves??

Self-proclaimed Apostle, Chuck Pierce in a recent prophetic video announcement claims that the Holy Spirit is warning France and the world that Intifada is about to break out and that Jews living in France must be ready to go into hiding.

Someone needs to tell Chuck Pierce that Ken Copeland has already taken authority over the demons of France.

Bill Hybels: "God Uses A Re-Crafted Schedule To Transform Lives"

This one minute video clip is from the Willow Creek YouTube channel:

Pastor Hybels says: "I've never seen a tool that God uses more predictably in transforming human lives than a re-crafted schedule." This short clip is the conclusion of a 45 minute sermon (that feels like three hours) called "The Power of Your Schedule" which can be heard in a very thorough, funny and scathing sermon review by Chris Rosebrough (the sermon review starts at 1 hour 12 minutes into the program):


Is Hybels teaching from the "Book of Statistics" or something?? If God uses a re-crafted schedule more predictably than any other thing, why did He fail to mention it in His Word?

Wow. Now I can see that I wasted a lot of my time on earth... I should have been teaching people to ‘re-craft their schedules’ instead of all that other stuff I did.
— Said Jesus Never

Closing thoughts: Seriously, there's nothing wrong with being productive and efficient with our time, and setting goals and using some sort of planner is a good idea-just remember that God is not captive to our plans. Most importantly, Bill Hybels is supposed to be a pastor, not a life coach or business advisor. Although he mentions in this "sermon" that people in his church should, perhaps, get it on their schedule to study the Bible (duh!), he's setting a terrible example by not preaching from God's Word for this entire "sermon." 

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction.
— 2 Timothy 4: 2
For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
— 1 Corinthians 1:22-25
Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’-yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.’ As it is, you boast in your ignorance. All such boasting is evil.
— James 4:13-16

Follow Up to Sleazy Silent Night

From the Hillsong Silent Night video

From the Hillsong Silent Night video

Michael Brown recently wrote this article for Charisma News:

Hillsong, Silent Night and the Danger of Judging by Outward Appearance 

Dr. Brown is one of the most respected members of the Christian Charismatic world; he's a brilliant debater, an actual Biblical scholar and someone who has been warning (to some extent) about false teachers in the Church. In this article he says that he, too, was appalled by the worldly and obnoxious Silent Night video that has gotten so much attention, but he refrained from making a judgment about it until he could get more information. But after he saw a Twitter comment from a pastor at Hillsong he could understand why they did the song the way they did.

There are a couple of really interesting things to note from this article: First of all, Brown makes a pretty amazing statement about how he couldn't talk to anyone from Hillsong, because he didn't have an "open door to interact directly with Hillsongs leaders (despite my attempts to do so in the past)." Please take note, everyone who says something like this: "You shouldn't say anything bad about pastor so and so until you talk to him face to face! Have you met with him and heard his side of the story?? Well then stop judging him!!" 

Even Dr. Michael Brown can't talk to the "powers that be" at Hillsong. Hmmm.

Another amazing thing about this article is how he has "differed with some of Hillsong's methods and message over the years…" but he still needed to get the true story from a reliable source before he could make a judgment. How have you differed with Hillsong, Dr. Brown? Have you spoken out against the blatant Word of Faith heresy that Brian Houston continually puts forth as Christianity? That's kinda important… but it gets side-stepped in his article. 

Here's the really disappointing part of this article: Brown believes he is able to make a correct judgment about this whole thing because he sees a Twitter comment made by a Hillsong pastor in Australia, and he accepts everything this guy says with no further inquiry:

Here's the big fat lie (intentional or not) in that Twitter comment: "This video was not released by Hillsong, nor would this number ever be an item on it's own." Except that the video was released by Hillsong... as an item of it's own… on Hillsong's own YouTube channel!

After Chris Rosebrough shared the video on Facebook and it started getting thousands of views (and negative comments) Hillsong quickly pulled it off their channel with no explanation, but we had made a copy for Vimeo (knowing that Hillsong would probably do the very thing they did). So now when everyone sees the Vimeo copy, Hillsong can claim that "somebody posted it out of context!" That's correct Hillsong, somebody did post it out of context-you did.

So, we now have a "sort of" official explanation as to why they made this "Sleazy Silent Night" and it does make more sense than before. This situation is still pretty irritating and here's why:

It seems Michael Brown (and lots of others) will let the heresy at Hillsong continue. That word, heresy, is not too harsh-it's an accurate statement made after a thorough evaluation of the teaching at Hillsong. Here are a bunch of programs where Chris Rosebrough has played Brian Houston's sermons and compared them to the Bible. Houston twists, distorts and mis-handles God's Word all the time! Here's an article that documents the history of covering up abuse by Brian Houston and his friends: Church Watch Central. And here's a very disturbing Australian TV Investigative News Show called Inside Hillsong

And almost nobody cares-because Hillsong is famous! Brian Houston is famous! Everybody loves Hillsong's praise music! Tens of thousands of people love and attend Hillsong! So we showed their ridiculous Silent Night video to draw attention to the problem… but now we are the bad guys because we didn't understand the correct context for the video (that Hillsong published without explanation and then silently removed). Fine.

We are sorry to have not made such a fuss over that video.

Now can we talk about the false-teaching, Bible-twisting, power-grabbing, money-loving, pedophilia-ignoring cesspool of corruption that is brewing at Hillsong??!


Along these same lines, here's an important article from our friend J. D. Hall at Pulpit and Pen:

An Open Letter to Dr. Michael Brown

Bill Johnson's Followers Imply: "He's Equivalent to Jesus" and "The Apostles Were Pharisees"

Since the article "Bethel Church Tells Witch She's On the Right Path…" came out, there's been a lot of comments made to Chris Rosebrough's Facebook page; most of the comments were supportive, but some were trying very hard to refute the article. The handful of arguments defending Bill Johnson and his church were pretty similar to each other and the article "Diffusing Demonic Dirty Bombs" covered most of them already, but a very interesting pattern emerged: The Bethel supporters (un-knowingly, to be sure) equated Bill Johnson with Jesus, and reduced the Apostles (the real Apostles in the Bible) to the role of unbelieving Pharisees. 

Bethel supporters claimed that "Pharisees" and "Religious Nuts" were responsible for criticizing that church; they are totally convinced that what goes on there is a genuine work of the Holy Spirit and that questioning anything there is the same as when the Pharisees questioned Jesus and refused to believe that He was the Son of God. Here's the GIGANTIC problem with that:

Bill Johnson is NOT Jesus, and therefore, being skeptical of his teachings is not the same as being a Pharisee! On top of that, Jesus and the Apostles tell us to "watch out for false teachers" and "test the spirits" and "watch your doctrine closely" but the Bill Johnson/Bethel supporters think that makes someone a Pharisee. So, in their own little confused world, they've made Bill Johnson equivalent to Jesus (we must not question him or his church-that would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit!) and they've turned Jesus and the Apostles (who wrote the New Testament) into "Pharisees" and "Religious Nuts." 

Lastly, the other comment that was made multiple times was: "Oh, so now you're gonna believe a witch?!" This is the equivalent of saying "I don't want to believe this, so it isn't true." Otherwise you need to believe an incredible story that goes something like this:

"This girl, Annika, who pretends to be a former Christian but is now a (pretend?) witch, pretended to go to Bethel Church on several occasions so she could make up a story about it and then publish it on the Pagan channel of Patheos. She also brought along her friends who pretended to go there and then wrote about this pretend event. They also took photographs at Bethel Church, but those were all pretend photographs. This girl then pretended to get "prophetic words" so that she could blog about how encouraging those words were for her. She knew that eventually this would get published on a different website (half a year later), and that this would make Bethel Church look bad. She is very very very clever."  


Ultimately, the most important thing is to compare what is being taught at Bethel to God's Word-regardless of what Annika Mongen (or anyone else) has to say. 

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
— Galatians 1:10
But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine.
— Titus 2:1
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good...
— 1 Thessalonians 5:21
Hold fast (retain) the pattern of sound words (doctrine) which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you.
— 2 Timothy 1: 13-14

What a Bargain-Bill Johnson's $400 Thumb Drive!!

Yeah, this is exactly what the (real, Biblical) Apostles would have done-sell their "sermons" for outrageous profit (this is from the Bethel Church webstore):

Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.
— 2 Corinthians 2:17
and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
— 2 Peter 2:3

(Here are a LOT more Bible verses that prosperity preaching false teachers hope you never read)

Bethel Church Tells Witch that She's "On the Right Path" and "God is So Proud of Her!"

This is an article from a former Christian who is now a witch; her blog is called: "Born Again Witch." She and her fellow witch-friends (called a "coven") visited Bill Johnson's famous Bethel Church, in Redding California, and they also visited Bethel's "School of Supernatural Ministry" where people are supposed to receive healing. Although she ended up being disappointed with the healing experience, she is very happy about the "prophetic word" she received from a Bethel "prophet" who "spoke a word" over her, and this "word" totally confirmed her involvement in witchcraft-just like all the other "prophetic words" she had received at Bethel on another occasion, which she writes about here: 

Christian Prophecies For A Witch

Here's how she sums up her experience at Bethel, after she pondered all the positive prophetic words she received there: 

To me, receiving a prophecy from a Christian source was a powerful piece of magic that worked towards healing and integration. I felt like Jesus Himself and God Herself opened their arms to me and said ‘Child, surrender! Welcome home.’
— Annika Mongen-"Born Again Witch"
giphy (64).gif

These are not the ravings of some crazy person; in fact, Annika writes very thoughtful, articulate and transparent articles. What is truly amazing is that no one at Bethel lovingly confronted her about her beliefs-instead she was given 100% encouragement-supernatural encouragement- from Bethel's "prophets" to continue in her beliefs. 

So here's a question that Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and all the other false teachers at Bethel "Church" won't answer:

What spirit would encourage a former Christian to continue practicing witchcraft? Definitely not The Holy Spirit!


If you're angry at this article and want to refute it, here's a more extensive article to consider: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs; and these are a number of programs where Pastor Chris
Rosebrough exposes Bill Johnson's inability to rightly handle God's Word; and here are a
bunch of articles explaining the many problems with Johnson and Bethel.


Closing thoughts: some readers will object and say "those prophets don't represent Bethel-they were just mistaken in these rare cases; no one is perfect. How dare you criticize!"

So let's get this straight, Bethel is a super-Holy church where God is constantly doing amazing miracles-it's experiencing unprecedented revival all the time; and Bill Johnson is a super-anointed pastor who hears directly from God all the time; and Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry is doing amazing work in training people how to "operate in the Spirit" so they can do supernatural things all the time... but the very people who received training at this super-anointed place got their prophecies utterly wrong and accidentally encouraged a woman to continue in her witchcraft-on multiple occasions? And even though Bill Johnson brags about walking into a room and "changing the atmosphere" just by his presence, his own church (full of specially trained "seers" and "prophets") can't figure out that an ex-Christian (who has become a witch and has brought her coven with her), is in their midst? And this is the place that's filled with the Holy Spirit??

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy IN YOUR NAME, and IN YOUR NAME cast out demons, and IN YOUR NAME perform many miracles?’ And I will declare to them; I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.
— Matthew 7:22
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but TEST THE SPIRITS to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
— 1 John 4:1

Here's an important follow-up article on this topic.


It isn't hard to see how Bethel could be embroiled in a controversy with "Christian" tarot cards, fortune-telling and topless dancing just a few years later:

The "Christian" Tarot Card Controversy at Bethel Redding

Kris Vallotton and Bethel Cannot Escape Link to New Age Occultism

Kris Vallotton RUNS From His Own Facebook Post!!

Topless Dancing at Christalignment "Workshop" -Does Kris Vallotton Approve?

Pope Video: Rejects 1st Commandment & Lays Foundation for One World Religion

In what can only be described as a flagrant rejection of the 1st Commandment, The Pope Video, a project produced by the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network claims that people of all religions and beliefs are children of God.

You shall have no other gods before me.
— Exodus 20:3
You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I, I am the LORD, and besides me there is no savior.
— Isaiah 43:10-11
What do I imply then? That food offered to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons.
— 1 Corinthians 10:19-20

Ken Copeland: Whatever Your Faith Can Believe You Can Have it in 2016

Ken Copeland, in his New Year's Eve service for 2016 claimed that God told him that whatever your faith can believe for, you can have it in 2016.

No Joke!

This is a fulfillment of the Apostle Paul's prophecy in 2 Timothy: 

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
— 2 Timothy 4: 3-4

"Prophet" Bushiri FAKES a Miracle With Adobe After Effects

In one the most blantant and shameful examples of a sham miracle that we've ever seen, so-called "prophet" Shepherd Bushiri has put together a video that his ministry claims documents an appearance of angels at a recent church service. But, one needs only watch the video to see that what appeared are cheesy postproduction special effects and not real angels.

See for yourself.

One thing is certain Shepherd Bushiri is not a prophet of the Living God. He is a false prophet and greedy charlatan. He will have to explain all this nonsense to Jesus Christ on the day of judgement if he does not repent. 

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9–12)

"Prophets" Declare 2016 The Year of the Re: Slipstream Crossover Excel Tide Turning Year that...

Want to know what is going to happen in 2016 but are nervous about visiting a palm reader or psychic? No worries, the "Christian" equivalent to psychics and fortune tellers a.k.a. false prophets have been chiming in and telling the world what the Holy Spirit is telling them will be going down in 2016.

Thus far we can say that 2016 will be The Year of the Re: slipstream crossover excel tide turning acceleration in which God reintroduces Himself as El Shaddai as well as the year great tribulation starts and the anti-christ appears.

Does this information help you know what to expect in the coming year? We didn't think so.

Either God, the Holy Spirit is no longer capable of lucid communication or none of these so-called prophets are actually hearing from God.

But let's break this all down and see if it helps clear things up.

1. Charisma Magazine declared 2016 the year of the Re:

2. Lana Vawswer declared that the Holy Spirit told her that 2016 is the year of the slipstream.

3. Steven Furtick of Elevation Church claims that the word God gave him for 2016 is crossover

4. Keith Craft claims that the word God gave him for 2016 is excel [insert Microsoft Office and spreadsheet jokes here]. 

5. Cindy Jacobs claims that God has told the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders that 2016 is the year the tide turns.

6. Robert Hotchkin of the Prophetic Holy Orders Network Information Exchange Syndicate claims that God told him that 2016 is the year that God reintroduces himself as El Shaddai.

7. Jim Bakker and his guests have predicted that the Great Tribulation will begin in March of 2016 and the Anti-Christ will walk on the world's stage in 2016.

8. Joel Osteen says that the word God gave him for 2016 is Accelerate.

9. John Kilpatrick says that this is the Year of the Wind.

10. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran says that this is the Year of Edification and Equipping.

11. Jerry Savelle says 2016 is The Year of The Great Breaking Loose.

12. Dr. Jerry Brandt says 2016 is The Year of Manifestation.

13. The "Apostle" John Arcovio says the Lord clearly told him to Beware of Elymas for 2016.

14. The "Prophet" Brian Carn says 2016 is the year to Get the Anointing to Increase.

 15. Wayne Sutton says 2016 is the year to Awaken in Spirit and Change Your Name. 

16. "Apostle Prophet" Elizabeth Elijah Nikomia says (under the trusty anointing of Ruach Ha Kodesh) that Devastation is Coming! Devastation is Here!

17. Ken Malone (who ministers with a prophetic, seer anointing which enables him to identify, activate and release redemptive gifts in individuals, churches and cities) says this is the Year of the KAIROS OPPORTUNITY and Open Doors.

18. Doug Addison (who is a prophetic forerunner!) has a Prophetic Forecast for 2016... but you have to pay for it. You can get the paperback, the PDF or the Kindle version. Doug says it'll help you "get into sync with heaven for 2016." 


“Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:16)

100% Yoga + 100% Jesus = Really Bad Math!

Here's a video from an organization called Holy Yoga:

These are clearly some sincere and thoughtful woman who believe they're much closer to God because of this yoga class; these are not wackos trying to trick people out of their money (like too many of the exhibits here at the Museum). However, if the actual content of what is said in this video is carefully examined, it portrays a mystical, feelings-based version of Christianity that cannot co-exist with the Bible. These woman believe the Bible is insufficient, even though they would never actually say it. God gave us His Holy Word, he did not give us His "holy yoga."  

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.
— Galatians 1: 8

Here is an article (with links to more articles) from fellow-pirate @Aspree on this topic.

Pastor Tells People to Say "F-You" to Each Other

In this ridiculous and desperate attention-getting stunt, "pastor" A. R. Vernon tries to be clever and funny, but he ends up being offensive and counter-productive...

Abstain from all appearance of evil.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:22
If anyone considers himself religious and does yet not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
— James 1:26

Ken Copeland: God Gave Us Private Jets Because You Can't Talk to God in Coach

Ken Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, on the December 29th, 2015 broadcast of the Believers Voice of Victory claimed that God gave them their private jets because you can't talk to God in commercial airliners. In other words, they claim that they have important conversations with God which would otherwise be impossible if they were flying coach.

Think we're just making that up? Think again. Watch the video below.

HT: Pulpit and Pen

Bill Hybels Proves He's Not Qualified To Be A Pastor

The book of 2nd Timothy is a Pastoral Epistle. That means it written to help define and elaborate on the qualifications and duties of the Pastoral Office. In that epistle The Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul makes it painstakingly clear that a pastor must rightly handle the word of truth (scripture):

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

This same qualification is reiterated in the Book of Titus, another Pastoral Epistle:

“He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.” (Titus 1:9)

Not only are pastors required by God to rightly handle God's Word, God also commands pastors to preach the word regardless of whether it is popular for him to do so:

“I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (2 Timothy 4:1–4)

Recently, Bill Hybels, the Vision-Casting Leader of Willow Creek recently proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he does not meet the Biblical qualifications for being a pastor. Here's what Hybels said:

Someone needs to send Bill Hybels a Bible because he obviously has never read it (which not only explains why this idea is "beyond him" it also proves he's not even qualified to be a pastor). If Hybels had actually studied God's Word he'd know that it says:

“As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.” (1 Corinthians 14:33–35)

“Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” (1 Timothy 2:11–14)

Jacobs Claimed 2015 Was the Year of the Turn Around

We've gone back and checked what Cindy Jacobs claimed God was revealing for 2015 and now we're really confused. As it turns out, back in 2015 Jacobs claimed that God told her that 2015 was the year of the Turn Around. But now she is claiming that God is saying that 2016 is the year Tide is Turning

But if God turned everything around in 2015 and then is going to turn the tide in 2016 doesn't that mean that 2016 is the the year God is going to smite you and take everything away from you?

One-Size-Fits-All 2016 "Prophecy"

Apparently New Year's "prophecies" now come in One-Size-Fits-All. So-called prophetess Cindy Jacobs recently announced that 2016 will be the Year the Tide Turns. She assures every single person watching her video that 2016 will be the year the tide turns in their favor.

So, quick get everyone you know to watch this video so that 2016 will be the year the tide turns!

If you believe that then we have bridge we'd like to sell you in Brooklyn.

Battle of the Crazy Gigantic Extreme Christmas Spectacles!!

Which of these church productions is the most massively spectacular? The most magnificent, colossal and gargantuan? The most unbelievably extreme, bodacious and over-the-top?? 

But more importantly, do these über expensive spectacles help the church fulfill the Great Commission or are they signs of the decadence and corruption of Evangelicalism?


Here's a heartwarming Christmas story: At John Hagee's Mega-Church they expect members to tithe regularly; however, they realize that some people are poor, unemployed or just "down on their luck," so the non-tithers are required to go listen to Pastor Hagee sing and play the saxophone at Christmas and pretend they enjoyed it. This will compensate for their inability to tithe for one year...


Closing thoughts: it's obvious there are a lot of talented, hard-working volunteers putting in a tremendous effort in these productions; they are to be commended for that. But, in the desire to get people to show up and then "make a decision" for Jesus, these productions take so much time and energy from a church body it seems possible that very little time is left for actual Bible study and discipleship. Just something to think about.  

"Prophetess" Lana Vawser Declares 2016 The Year of the Slipstream

It's not even Christmas yet and some of the so-called "prophets", like Lana Vawswer, are already claiming to receive prophetic revelations for the the coming year.

In what could only be described as prophetic diarrhea, Lana has published what she mistakenly believes are words from the Lord for 2016. Below is just a sample:

As I have pressed into the heart of the Lord for the next year, 2016, I felt He showed me one of the themes He wanted to focus on this year.

I kept hearing the words over and over "The year of the slipstream". 

SLIPSTREAM: "the airstream generating reduced air pressure and forward suction directly behind a rapidly moving vehicle."  (www.dictionary.com)


2015 has been a year of intense pressure, intense stretching, intense opposition and contending. I believe in 2016 there is an invitation into a divine 'slipstream'. The wind of the Spirit moving in great acceleration but the Lord calling us to a 'positioning' of greater rest. It seems completely opposite and 'illogical' in the natural, but many things the Lord is going to ask His people to do or not do in 2016 will be a great surprise, but MORE is going to come out of divine rest in whatever form that looks like for you (physical, emotional/mental healing, release of striving, settled heart in His nature and ways etc) in 2016.

I felt the Lord say that 2016 would be a year THE GREATEST demonstration of DIVINE REST of heart, mind, soul and body for many, but also THE GREATEST demonstration of ACCELERATION that they have ever seen. 

A place of shaking off the shackles of driving and seeing Him break off and bring deeper healing to any parts of the soul that would cause a 'pushing forward'.

For the rest of Lana's incoherent "prophetic" ramblings for 2016 Click Here

“that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written” (1 Corinthians 4:6)