Clever and Sneaky Snakes


00:08:01 Katie Souza Clever and Sneaky Snakes
00:18:25 Sarah Cheesman Move It Move It Move It
00:42:42 Perry Stone False Teaching RE: Tongues
00:50:11 Ken Copeland Speak the Desired End Result Part 2
01:04:03 Sermon Review: From Whiner to Warrior by David Hughes

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Stinking Sewer Fight


00:07:39 Kay Nash October "Prophetic" Word
00:20:30 Ryan LeStrange Creating a Person Prophetic Atmosphere
00:39:07 Jennifer LeClaire Dark Forces Are Being Celebrate
00:46:11 T.D. Jakes Stinking Sewer Fight
01:06:54 Sermon Review: I Heart Pop: Opening Act by David Hughes

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Big Comfy Couch (The Sermon)


00:07:48 Rhonda Empson The Two Witnesses Have Come Out of Hiding
00:18:27 Rick Joyner To Infinity and Beyond
00:48:19 Real Talk Kim How to Break Generational Curses
01:06:07 Sermon Review: Big Comfy Couch by David Hughes

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2017 Year of Fabulous Outpourings?


00:12:46 Vonda Triples Down on Dump Trump Prophecy
00:37:32 Mark Foster Audacious Christmas
00:56:04 Ken Copeland 2017 Year of Fabulous Outpourings
01:08:32 Sermon Review: Christmas Mix Tape David Hughes

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Peddlers of Victory "Technologies"


00:11:46 Gloria Copeland & George Pearsons Supernatural Debt Cancellation
00:45:57 Larry Huch & Tiz Huch Jewish Roots Weapons of Victory
01:11:32 Sermon Review: Transformers by David Hughes

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Keep Calm & Shake It Off

00:06:37 "Praise & Worship" Time at CBGlades & NewSpring
00:13:28 Terri Savelle Foy 3 Ways God Can See Your Faith
00:36:45 Bryan Cutshall 5 Languages of the Spirit
00:50:39 Lisa Comes Keep Calm & Shake it Off
01:17:45 Sermon Review: I Love the 90s: ER by David Hughes 

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Strong Delusion


William Tapley's Prophetic Analysis of the Preakness
Chuck Pierce and the Glory War
• Atheist Eric Shepperd's "Sermon" at Trinity United Church Community Centre
• Sermon Review: Conquering Your Kryptonite by David Hughes


What the Bible Teaches About Baptism & How the Earliest Christians Understood These Biblical Texts

Biblical Case For The Lutheran Doctrine Of Baptism

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Faith Bombs and Missiles?


• Prophecy Open Mic
• Pastrix Patricia King Discusses Faith Bombs and Missiles
Craig Groeschel's 30 Second Theology
• Sermon Review: Fifty Shades of Cray by David Hughes of CBGlades

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Eschatological Code Cracking?


David Hughes Says Christians Who Want Doctrine are the Excrement of the Body of Christ
Brian Carn Deceives For Benny Hinn
John Shorey Breaks the Code of the Book of Revelation
• Two Sermons by Pastor Rosebrough RE: The End of the World

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The Law of The Garbage Truck

NOTE: During today's F4F sermon review, David Hughes of Church by the Glades says that Christians who want more doctrine and worship at church are the excrement of the Body of Christ.


Michael Chitwood on The Law of the Garbage Truck
William Tapley Explains Away His False Prophecies
T.D. Jakes On Birthing Again and Again
• Sermon Review: Foodies - Dealing with Critics by David Hughes

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One Upper


William Tapley's Latest "Prophetic" Insights RE: Pope
James MacDonald Asks Forgiveness for Unbiblical Discipline of Elders
T.D. Jakes and the Heart of the Matter
• Sermon Review: Fish > One Upper by David Hughes of C.B. Glades

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Improve Your Selfie?


Joel Osteen Says You're Not Damaged Goods
Furtick Lashes Back At Critics
Mark Driscoll Bought His Way Onto NYTimes Best Seller List
• Sermon Review: Improve Your Selfie by David Hughes of CBGlades

Program Links:

Survey Of Historical Heresies - Pelagianism by Phil Johnson

Unreal sales for Driscoll’s Real Marriage

The Signed Contract That Helped Get Mark Driscoll’s Real Marriage on the New York Times Best Seller List

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Fight Club — The Sermon?


Patricia King and Entrepreneurial Anointings
• Seeker-Driven Bible Twist of John 15
• ELCA Sermon for the Installation of a Homosexual Bishop
• Sermon Review: Fight Club by David Hughes

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Servants of Satan Disguised As Servants of Righteousness


• Vatican Offers Time Off of Purgatory For Following Pope on Twitter
Joshua Mills' New Lucid "Preaching"
• Pastrix Lillian Daniels Says Jesus Never Said to Stand Your Ground
• Sermon Review: BYOB: The Man in the Mirror by David Hughes, CBGlades

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Perry Noble Hasn't Ruled Out Using Strippers in Church


• More Seeker-Driven Plagiarism
Pat Robertson's Awful Advice RE: Forgiving Adultery
• How Far is Too Far in Church?
Jay Bakker's Rainbow Communion Bread
• Sermon Review: Crave the Wave: Monster Wave by David Hughes

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Emergent Village Denies The Bible is God's Word


Pierce's Ponderous Prophesies
David Crank Twist the Story of Ruth
• Emergent Village Denies The Bible is God's Word
• Worst Easter Sermon of 2013 Contest:
• Contestant 4: Sunday is Coming by David Hughes of Church by the Glades

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Luther Against the Self-Indulgences of the Modern Church


William Tapley: What if Romney Wins?
• 9.5 Theses on Martin Luther Against the Self-Indulgences of the Modern Church
• Sermon Cage Fight: Brent Kuhlman vs. David Hughes

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Christian Values Cannot Save Anyone


William Tapley Analysis of Obama Campaign Flag
Cindy Jacob's Crazy Prophecies
• Christian Values Cannot Save Anyone
• Sermon Review: Hero Worship: Tapping Into Your Superpower by David Hughes, CBGlades

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Rob Bell's (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology


Martin Bashir Interview on the Paul Edwards Program
Craig Venter Breaks Ranks with Evolutionists Over Common Descent
Rob Bell's, Love Wins, is Nothing More Than the (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology
• Sermon Review. "In the Zone: God's P.O.V." by David Hughes of Church by the Glades

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