Daniel Planner Diet Scammer?


Joel Osteen Meets With the Pope
Dr. Oz Daniel Plan Collaborator Diet Scammer?
Ed Young's Latest Money Scam
• Sermon Review: At the Movies: Transformers by Jason Miller of Granger

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Pete Rose "Preaches" on Second Chances


William Tapley's Prophetic Insights RE: Obama's Meeting with the Pope
Retah McPherson and Evil Ties
Steve Jesmer Say's You're An Allstar
Pete Rose "Preaches" on Second Chances

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Beware of the Religion Section of World Net Daily


Jackie Hill's Must Hear Theo-poem
• Warning RE: the Religion Section of World Net Daily
Roma Downey Praise Pope for Pro Gay Comments
Jesse Duplantis Says to Expand Your Vision
• Sermon Review: Friending: The Foundation of Friendship by Craig Groeschel

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Robert Morris Shakes Down Newspring


• Did the Pope Avert Nuclear War?
• Relig-ish Slap Against the Bible
Robert Morris Shakes Down Newspring
• Two Good Sermons by Pastor Price and Vicar Sheek

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Seedy Secondary Sources of Revelation


Retah McPherson & the Orphan Spirit
• Ex Pope Says God Told Him to Resign
Brian Zahnd's Contemplative Breakthrough
• Sermon Review: The Great Adventure by Amy Smith, City of Life Church

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Does The Bible Teach That The Bible is Not Sufficient?


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Pope Says "Who Am I To Judge Gays"
Jonathan Martin Tries To Use the Bible to Prove the Bible Isn't Sufficient
• Sermon Review: Redneck: Wild At Heart by Clayton King, NewSpring

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Servants of Satan Disguised As Servants of Righteousness


• Vatican Offers Time Off of Purgatory For Following Pope on Twitter
Joshua Mills' New Lucid "Preaching"
• Pastrix Lillian Daniels Says Jesus Never Said to Stand Your Ground
• Sermon Review: BYOB: The Man in the Mirror by David Hughes, CBGlades

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Reading Comprehension


William Tapley Casts the Deciding Vote Between the Pope and the Vatican
T.D. Jakes and Judas
Peter Rollins and the Idolatry of God
• Sermon Review: Random - Wk 3 by Pastor John, Crossing Church, Elk River, MN

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Fun Factor?


Wendy Alec Frees Obama from Jezebel Spirit
William Tapley Weighs In on Pope's Resignation
• Top 10 Reasons Our Kids Leave Church
Tony Jones Thinks Christians Should Celebrate Pre-Marital Sex
• Sermon Review: Fun Factor by Jonathan Brozozog

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Dream Killers


Steven Furtick Preaches for 24 Hours to Make the "Sun Stand Still"
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Pope's Astronomer Would Baptize an Alien
• Christians Urged Bold New Plans to Achieve MDG's
Ed Stetzer's Contextualization Spectrum
• Sermon Review, "Dream Killers" by Mark Burchell, Dream Center, Los Angeles, Ca

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Gone With the Wind **Audio File Corrected**


• More Reflections on Perry Noble's 'Leadership" Conference
Pope Causes Richard Dawkins Blows a Gasket
Katie Souza's Jesus Light Part 2
• Sermon Review, "Gone With the Wind" by Judah Smith, City Church, Seattle, WA

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Rob Bell's False Christology


Pope Defends Celibacy
• Clark's Top 3 Strategic Tips for Great Church Environments
• Jesus Was A Terrible Leader, by Today’s New Leadership Standards
Rob Bell's False Christology
• Sermon Review, "Whip it" by Jim Stratton, Riveted Church, Skiatook, OK

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Jim Wallis RE: Social Justice and the Gospel


• Largest Gathering of Church Planters on the Planet
• Vatican Says Beatles Don't Need a Pardon
• Campaign to Arrest Pope is a Publicity Stunt
Jim Wallis RE: Social Justice and the Gospel
• Sermon Review: "Stay Thirsty" by Shane Hipps

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com