Clever and Sneaky Snakes


00:08:01 Katie Souza Clever and Sneaky Snakes
00:18:25 Sarah Cheesman Move It Move It Move It
00:42:42 Perry Stone False Teaching RE: Tongues
00:50:11 Ken Copeland Speak the Desired End Result Part 2
01:04:03 Sermon Review: From Whiner to Warrior by David Hughes

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Speak the Desired End Result


00:10:04 Eric Dykstra Move Ditch!
00:18:30 Kevin Dedmon You Can Walk on Water and Through Walls
00:39:15 Jennifer Eivaz How to Break Free From the Python Spirit
00:55:18 Ken Copeland Speak the Desired End Result - Part 1
01:13:46 Sermon Review: The Recipe For Your Best Year Yet by Tavner Smith

For further research:

The Kenneth Copeland Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Word of Faith Sorcery and Big Piles of Money

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Ken Copeland Channels the Holey Spirit


00:09:48 Todd Bentley Latest Resurrection Flim Flam
00:36:21 Jason Hooper Ironic Statements About Discernment
00:48:08 Kenneth Copeland Channels the Holey Spirit
00:55:52 Russell Evans Preaches About Russell Evans
01:12:52 Good Sermon: Easter Changes Everything by Gervase Charmley

My Phone Conversation With TMC RE: Bentley's Resurrection Claim (Audio)

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Respect the Anointing (Or Else)


00:08:16 Katie Souza Ancient Gaming Spirit Attack
00:15:43 R.T. Kendall Respect the Anointing (Or Else)
00:59:58 Kenneth Copeland Overt Threat to Those Speak Against Him
01:26:44 Sermon Review: Changing the Atmosphere Bobby Alger

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. You can join our crew or make a one-time gift. We depend upon your generosity to help bring Fighting for the Faith to you and the world.