Jim Bakker: The Coming Judgment
/Jim Bakker believes he has some really important things to say in this 3 minute video:
Here are some of the incredibly vague things he said:
- "We're about to experience something we've never had before."
- "Things are going to happen."
Bakker claims to read the David Wilkerson book "Racing Towards Judgment" on a weekly basis and believes it is helping to predict what will happen next. Bakker claims that some of the book's predictions have already occurred, even though it was written "several years ago." No Jim, that book was written in 1976 (42 years ago).
Here is the one specific thing he said in this video:
"I believe with all my heart we're gonna see and hear and feel judgment of God. I believe judgment of God is coming, and it's coming right away. I believe we are going to see the big, final fulfillment in the next few months it's gonna begin probably within weeks ... we're gonna see something so dramatic happen."
(This video was published by Jim Bakker on April 6, 2018... almost 7 weeks ago.)
If Jim Bakker really wanted to preach the Gospel message, he would remind his audience that we all deserve the judgment of God, but thankfully, Jesus Christ took our sins upon Himself so that the judgment of God would never threaten us.
“Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him!”
“For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Jim Bakker wants to sell food buckets, which means he has to put people in a state of continuous fear...