Todd White Says "I Am Sinless" (Just Like Jesus)
/Todd White has himself confused with Jesus. Here's what Todd White thinks of himself:
(Todd White will block you if you ask him difficult questions)
Todd White ended the conversation and blocked the other person, Spencer Study, who used to be a huge Todd White fan. And no, this isn't fake; this began because Todd White sent a message to Spencer Study, who was commenting on Todd's Facebook wall, encouraging people to stop following Todd White. Spencer asked Todd if he was sinless because he'd heard him talk as if he was sinless many times in the past. Since this article came out on Oct. 11, Todd White (or his staff) is now on damage control; claiming that "someone out there is trying to make Todd look like a false teacher and putting clips and/or teachings together out of context and making fake accounts impersonating Todd. He never said that he was sinless."
But in his comments Todd White is clearly making himself equal to God, and he is clearly claiming to live without sin. Maybe he believes in imputed righteousness, but it's not a part of this dialogue. This is the old "Manifested Sons of God" doctrine being put on display.
UPDATE: Here is a 9 minute conversation between Steve Kozar (the author of this article) and Spencer Study (the guy who took this screenshot where Todd said "I am sinless")
I, Steve Kozar, the guy who wrote this article about Todd White (and a bunch of other articles about false teachers in the church) make NO MONEY from doing this! I am a volunteer doing this because I want to warn people. (Clarification: A few people have purchased my $30 watercolor prints from the Pirate Bakesale, so that makes me about a $120 per YEAR)
Now here's the gigantic mansion where Todd White lives:
Wanna know how much money Todd White actually makes? In 2015 it was OVER $600,000!!
Here's an article with details on Todd's obscene income: Todd White: How Much Money Does He Actually Make?
Todd White is a HUGE fan of "Word of Faith" superstar, Kenneth Copeland. Here's what Kenneth Copeland believes:
From Kenneth Copeland's "Voice of Victory" Magazine
Here are a bunch of clips where Todd White claims to be without sin:
Todd White openly claims that he can cause people to become Christians and there's no way they can get out of it:
“For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”
Here's one of Todd White's supporters giving me some very thoughtful input since I posted this article (notice how he bravely blocked me so that I couldn't respond, just like Todd):
Check out this giant compilation of articles about Todd White:
The Todd White Cornucopia of False Teaching
Here is something that false teachers getting rich off of the church hope you'll never read: