Heidi Baker's Demonic Impartations at Bethel Church
/Screaming like your getting your eyes gouged out, writhing around like your body is in flames... This is what can happen when the "prophetess" Heidi Baker lays hands on you. Listen to this guy screaming his lungs out as Heidi Baker tries to act like everything is under control:
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
Could there possibly be a more clear example of a false teacher or prophet? She lays her hand on his head to impart something and says "Wooooooo" and he goes down on the floor shaking and screaming in pain. Just to make sure you know that she was really trying to drive something into him, a minute later she says: "I think he's got it" as he continues in agony. Any questions? This is so crystal clear and straightforward in showing a demonic impartation. At best, it was a mentally disturbed kid who got triggered by Baker and then went into an act of some sort, but he looked perfectly fine until she gave him something. She uses her Bible as a prop-she never actually reads it; instead she says meaningless phrases over and over again. "Ten Times;" "Legacy;" "Giving away;" "Try it again!" and "Moooore Looooord" are non-Christian mantras-no matter how many times you repeat them. A real Christian pastor would have said, "In the name of Jesus I command the demons to leave!" But the name of Jesus wasn't even mentioned.
From the same person who made that video, there's this VIDEO of Heidi Baker using the term "gods" when she should saying "god." How could she "accidentally" get the plurality wrong?
Heidi Baker and the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) "Super Apostles" don't want you to know about their involvement in the Charismatic Day of Infamy.
For those of you who think it's mean and un-loving to criticize Heidi Baker (or any other popular teacher) here's a list of Bible verses to consider: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.
Finally, here's an important article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.