Dueling "Prophetic" Singing


00:05:07 Miranda Nelson & Glory of Zion Dueling "Prophetic" Singing
00:19:01 William Tapley Astrology or Bible Prophecy
00:40:00 David Crank See Your Future with Clarity
00:58:09 Keith Craft Finding Your Rhythm
01:14:05 Sermon Review: Paradox of Being a Hero by Sergio De La Mora

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The Biblical Doctrine of Time Travel?


00:05:04 Katie Souza How to Time Travel
00:34:40 Tom Horn Endorses Jennifer LeClaire on Jim Bakker's Program
00:52:57 Patricia King and Barbara Yoder The Breaker Anointing
01:06:40 Sermon Review: You Were Made for This by Bill Cornelius

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Misdiagnosis: Sinner Saved by Grace


00:11:13 Shakira McFadden Candy Prophecy
00:16:22 Ryan LeStrange Glory Storms Arising
00:21:56 Patricia King Harvest Time
00:37:06 Katherine Ruonala Denies We Are Sinners Saved by Grace
00:50:45 Andrew Wommack Baptism of the Holy Spirit Part 2
01:19:35 Sermon Review: Spider Man: Unleashing Your Gifts by Kerrick Thomas

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Joyce Meyer Recommends a Colonoscopy

00:17:38 Joyce Meyer Recommends a Colonoscopy
00:53:08 Winnie Banov Has Lost Touch With Sanity
01:16:44 Sermon Review: Incoherent Ravings by Amanda Wells

Joyce Meyer teaches the Word of Faith false doctrine.

From the Museum of Idolatry: Winnie Banov Has Lost Touch With Sanity

Bethel Church Cancels "Serious Death" & Releases Chickens, Barbecues and Houses (About Winnie Banov's husband, Georgian Banov)

Here's Georgian and Winnie Banov with their close friend, Heidi Baker:

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Prophetic Tsunami Warning!


00:13:01 July "Prophetic" Words
00:55:23 Perry Stone Prophetic Tsunami Warning
01:05:08 Andrew Wommack Baptism of the Holy Spirit Part 1
01:24:47 Sermon Review: Mt. Transfiguration- Kingdom Come by Bill Johnson


For further reading and research:

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Michael Brown Sneaky Squid Jonathan Edwards Wrap Up


00:04:57 Museum of Idolatry Update with Steve Kozar & Chris Rice (A.K.A. "The Museum Boy")
00:18:47 Rambling Michael Brown/Sneaky Squid/Jonathan Edwards/Wrap Up with Steve Kozar & Chris Rice (A.K.A. "The Museum Boy")

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Keys to Building & Maintaining a Hedge of Protection


00:10:24 Ryan LeStrange Triple Grace
00:17:20 Sid Roth & Bruce Allen Super Natural Travel in the Spirit
00:37:05 Micah Wood Primer on the Sonship Doctrine
00:46:16 Heidi Baker at Brownsville
00:54:56 Perry Stone Keys to Building & Maintaining a Hedge of Protection
01:19:05 Sermon Review: Super Heroes by Troy Gramling

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Wonder Woman Anointing


00:05:51 Jennifer LeClaire & Joe Dawson God Give Permission to Dream Wild
00:20:06 Matt Sorger How To Have a New Birthing Breakthrough
00:38:58 Patricia King Wonder Woman Anointing
00:52:19 Katherine Rounala The Power of our Words...?
01:13:34 Sermon Review:Jesus Received as King by All Nations by Mike Bickle

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Todd Bentley Still Lying About Houston Resurrection


00:10:27 Todd Bentley Still Lying About Houston Resurrection
00:19:56 Troy Brewer Mystery of Times and Season
00:48:19 Michael Brown False Definition of False Teacher
01:17:34 Sermon Review: Brownsville Revival "Sermon" by Carol Arnott

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555 Prophecy?


00:13:14 Jennifer LeClaire June Word of the Lord...Authorized
00:16:42 Kay Nash Word of the Lord for June...Increase of People
00:16:42 Russ Walden Word of the Lord for June...Get Ready for Visitation
00:21:54 Ryan LeStrange Step Into Explosive Transformation
00:36:39 Lana Vawser New Shoes for the New Season
00:53:16 David Crank 555 Prophecy?
01:06:44 Sermon Review: Casting God's Vision by Matt Hubbard

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Ken Copeland Channels the Holey Spirit


00:09:48 Todd Bentley Latest Resurrection Flim Flam
00:36:21 Jason Hooper Ironic Statements About Discernment
00:48:08 Kenneth Copeland Channels the Holey Spirit
00:55:52 Russell Evans Preaches About Russell Evans
01:12:52 Good Sermon: Easter Changes Everything by Gervase Charmley

My Phone Conversation With TMC RE: Bentley's Resurrection Claim (Audio)

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Soul Ties?


00:07:37 Terri Savelle Foy Soul Ties
00:24:28 Tavner Smith Don't Take the Bait
00:48:28 Anthony Shalala Expecting the Best
01:04:39 Joel Osteen Room Enough
01:19:29 Sermon Review: The Five Requirements of Perseverance by Steve Carter

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Unusual Opportunities and Radical Favour


00:08:35 Lana Vawser Unusual Opportunities for Radical Favour
00:18:18 Ryan LeStrange Stranger Tweets
00:19:45 Jennifer LeClaire God Does Not Answer Small Prayers
00:37:52 Sue Ahn Imparts Holy Spirit Strangeness
00:52:26 Gene Binder Vision Sunday
01:04:01 Sermon Review: The New Normal by John Cameron

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As Jesus is in His Health So Are You?


00:11:51 Jesse Duplantis Jesus Will Be Your Two
00:23:17 Joseph Prince As Jesus is in His Health So Are You
00:54:12 Hank Kunneman & Sid Roth As Jesus is in His Health So Are You
00:59:53 Etienne Blom Shares His Visitation With Jesus
01:10:57 Sermon Review: Remarkable by Andy Wood

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God's Anti-Aging Plan?


00:06:31 Che Ahn Introduces Roland Baker as a "Brilliant Theologian"
00:20:14 Patricia King God's Anti-Agin Plan
00:45:11 T.D. Jakes Expectant Mothers
01:15:06 Sermon Review: Authority to Bring Transformation by Dave McCracken

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Are You Dusty or Oily?


00:07:34 Ryan LeStrange Are You Dusty or Oily?
00:19:35 Robert Henderson How to Unlock Your Destiny in the Courts of Heaven
00:37:20 Fr. Rick Ganz Teaches Mysticism to Seeker-Driven Church Part 1
00:55:38 Jonathan Cahn More Harbingers are On the Loose
01:12:40 Sermon Review: Don't Stop on Destiny Beth Blois

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Respect the Anointing (Or Else)


00:08:16 Katie Souza Ancient Gaming Spirit Attack
00:15:43 R.T. Kendall Respect the Anointing (Or Else)
00:59:58 Kenneth Copeland Overt Threat to Those Speak Against Him
01:26:44 Sermon Review: Changing the Atmosphere Bobby Alger

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Jim Bakker's Bizarre Defense of Bill O'Reilly


00:10:01 Winners of the Worst Easter Sermon of the Year Announced
00:13:19 Jim Bakker Bizarre Defense of Bill O'Reilly
00:36:41 Lana Vawser Less Than Authoritative "Prophecy"
00:49:04 Lance Wallnau This is the Month of Divine Revealing
00:53:18 John & Lisa Bevere Feelings Based Arguments for Women Preachers
01:10:16 Steve Kozar Interview with Matthew Garnett

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Priscilla Shirer Casts a Prayer Circle?


00:05:52 Ryan LeStrange Stranger Tweets 1
00:10:48 Terri Savelle Foy Keys to Long Term Success
00:20:14 Keith Craft Get Fired Up
00:37:32 Priscilla Shirer Casts a Prayer Circle
00:52:25 Greg Laurie Why the U.S. is not mentioned in Revelation
01:08:24 Sermon Review: Holy Ship? by David Hughes

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Michael Brown Sneaky Squid Spirit Debrief Part 2

00:06:14 Bill Hamon & Sid Roth Archangel Michael Reveals Strategy for Victory
00:14:38 Mark Virkler How to Hear God's Voice
01:05:15 Michael Brown Sneaky Squid Spirit Debrief Part 2
01:34:02 Sermon Review: The Hungry Will Always Get Fed by Edgar Mayer

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Dr. Michael Brown (Sort of) Approves of These "Fine Christians..." Watch at your Own Risk!

Michael Brown Can't Defend "Sneaky Squid Spirit"-Repeatedly Changes the Subject

Jennifer LeClaire's Hypocritical Goofy Prophetic Pimping

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