Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal

Enjoy this episode of Fighting for the Faith from January 26, 2010. As always, the Gospel message is first and foremost!


• Evangelical US Mega-Churches Like Saddleback Are Market Driven & Transcendence is Not on the Menu
Jay Bakker Makes His Plea FOR Homosexual Marriage
• Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal
• How Liberalism Happens
Andy Stanley & Craig Groeschel Not Making Much Biblical Sense
• Sermon Review, "Do Not Fear Only Believe" by Pastor Steven Parks of University Hills Lutheran Church, Denver, CO

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com

Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal


• Evangelical US Mega-Churches Like Saddleback Are Market Driven & Transcendence is Not on the Menu
Jay Bakker Makes His Plea FOR Homosexual Marriage
• Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal
• How Liberalism Happens
Andy Stanley & Craig Groeschel Not Making Much Biblical Sense
• Sermon Review, "Do Not Fear Only Believe" by Pastor Steven Parks of University Hills Lutheran Church, Denver, CO

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com