Debate Challenge to Mark Jones & Rick Phillips

In light of the controversy surrounding charges of antinomianism against those who, like myself, hold to a law/gospel paradigm, brought by those who subscribe to Mark Jones' sanctification schema which explicitly states that "good works are necessary FOR salvation", and in view of that fact that Jones and his most prominent supporters have been incessantly calling for a debate on these maters, I challenge Mark Jones & Rick Phillips to debate myself and another Lutheran pastor/theologian of my choosing to debate the question, "Are Good Works Necessary FOR Salvation?"

The debate will be held at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Date: To be determined by the consensus of the participants

Format: To be determined by the consensus of the participants

Mark Jones & Rick Phillips should contact me via email at should they choose to accept this debate challenge.

χάρις ἔλεος εἰρήνη σοι,
