Leadership Network wants evangelicals to spend a year learning from Peter Drucker

Leadership Network

Is your church following the directives of Leadership Network? If you don't know, you might want to find out.  The latest push from this global organization is a book, A Year With Peter Drucker. Before your elders pick up a copy, you might want to ask them what they know about the influence of Peter Drucker.

If that name is unfamiliar to you, Drucker is known as the father of the seeker-friendly megachurch business model that treats Christians as customers.  Drucker's "Big Three" proteges are Rick Warren of Saddleback, Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Association, and Bob Buford of Leadership Network.

With that bit of background, take some time to read up on how Leadership Network - in its own words from its own website - continues to push forth Drucker's business model to evangelical leaders:

How Evangelical Leaders Can Spend a Year Learning from Peter Drucker

By Warren Bird, Leadership Network

If you’ve ever used the words decentralization, knowledge worker, management by objectives, or privatization, you’ve been influenced by Peter Drucker, who coined all of them – and more. In the church world, if your ministry has been impacted by Rick Warren and Saddleback Church, Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel, or Bill Hybels and Willow Creek Church, then you’ve also been influenced by Drucker, who developed a significant mentoring relationship with each of these leaders and organizations.

Drucker (1909-2005), who described himself as a “social ecologist,” was also a personal mentor for more than 25 years to Leadership Network co-founder Bob Buford, whose most recent book, Drucker & Me, highlights Drucker’s relationship to Leadership Network and to various evangelical church leaders. Events sponsored by Leadership Network often featured Drucker as a speaker, offering opportunities to meet with Drucker in small groups over shared meals.

Now for those who want to dig deeper into Drucker’s writing themselves, a new book, A Year with Peter Drucker: 52 Weeks of Coaching for Leadership Effectiveness, makes Drucker’s ideas accessible in bite-size excerpts. The author is longtime Drucker associate Joseph A. Maciariello, who Bob Buford describes “the authority on Peter Drucker” – quite an accolade given Drucker’s four million word output spanning 39 books, dozens of scholarly articles and hundreds of newspaper essays.

Evangelical readers will find particular interest in Maciariello’s choice of topics in his week-by-week clustering.  An entire section is titled “Developing Oneself from Success to Significance.” (Week 38 to Week 43). Other sections touch on everything from leadership succession to leadership goals. In fact, Leadership Network supplied so many transcripts and other materials to the author that his opening acknowledgment reads: “I first want to thank Bob Buford….”

The book has received positive reviews, such as the The Wall Street Journal. Heady but consistently insightful, it offers a top-flight one-book overview of the core coaching that Drucker gave to many evangelical leaders.


What happens when you replace "Movie Title" with the breathed-out Word of God...

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Dumb question:  Why does the visible church think that it needs Hollywood movies to draw people to Jesus Christ? Why do so-called anointed pastors feel they need to use sermons designed by Christian mystics who dramatize a very different Jesus and a different gospel?

The newest Easter fad is A.D., the Roma Downey/Mark Burnett-produced film that some powerful pastoral pontificators want you to immerse yourself in on Resurrection Sunday. But don't stop at just Easter; make sure your small groups and your church bulletins are aligned under the mantle mandate.

They offer the Church 5 reasons to jump on their bandwagon. May I humbly suggest that you read these - and just for fun, substitute in your mind the word, "Scripture."

If you're thinking about ways to use the A.D. series in your church, here are five things you can do today to get your congregation ready for this special event.

1.  Watch the A.D. series intoduction video with Executive Producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey. Show the A.D. Trailer at your church, share it on your church website and social media pages.

2. Order the A.D. Digital Church Kit and get access to sermons and streaming videos.

3. Get free A.D. Digital Downloads including bulletin insert, printable invitation, and web/social media graphics.

4. Launch A.D. small groups and open those groups to anyone interested in learning more during the 12 week series.

5. Order A.D. customizable resources like indoor and outdoor banners, bulletin shells, postcards, and door hangers and use them to increase participation during your series and small groups.

We're excited to see how God will use this TV series to open hearts and introduce people to the story of Jesus. Get your church ready to take this message to their neighbors and friends!


Church of Tares and the real roots of the Emergent movement [VIDEO]

If you've ever wondered what the "big deal" is about the fruit of the Purpose Driven Church created by Peter Drucker and championed by Rick Warren, Bob Buford and Bill Hybels, you'll want to check out two videos we have on our website, and perhaps even get the free DVDs offered by the filmmaker for your church. You may have seen these videos by now, and if you haven't they are highly recommended:

Church of Tares: Purpose Driven, Seeker-Sensitive, Church Growth & New World Order and The Real Roots of the Emergent Church are two of the many free movies Eliott Nesch has produced, and healso has a passion for reaching the lost through open-air street preaching and prison ministry.

Here is the Real Roots video:

"Can the Church borrow the marketing tools of the world and apply them to the Church? What is the history of the Church Growth movement and its false premises? Who is involved in the new evangelicalism and second reformation? Why are these movements embracing contemplative mysticism? How does this movement play into the New World Order?" These questions and more are answered in Church of Tares: Purpose Driven, Seeker-Sensitive, Church Growth & New World Order.

Here is how Elliott describes this video project:

Church of Tares chronicles the man-centered pragmatism of these evangelical Christian movements in comparison to the Bible's instruction for building the Church of Jesus Christ. As a sequel to The Real Roots of the Emergent Church, Church of Tares documents the connections between the liberal Emergent Church movement and the Church Growth movement. Both movements' leadership were discipled by business management guru Peter Drucker, who was attracted to the megachurch movement as a social phenomenon that could bring about his "new society" and New World Order. Megacurch pastors Rick Warren and Bill Hybels as well as Leadership Network founder Bob Buford all acknowledge Drucker (who professed not to be a Christian) as their mentor and have built their organizations upon his secular business management philosophies rather than the foundation of Jesus Christ.

The fruit of these movements is great compromise of the Gospel and the Great Commission. Rick Warren claims to be ushering in a new spiritual awakening and second reformation with his P.E.A.C.E. Plan. But this reform appears to be a social reformation rather than a spiritual one by joining together in ministry with unbelievers to fight global giants. Such compromise has led to the affirming response letter to the Common Word document which declares Muhammad to be a prophet and the Bible and Qur'an to be of the "same Divine origin."

Written, edited, narrated and directed by Elliott Nesch. Original interviews with:

  • Paul Smith, leader in the Calvary Chapel movement founded by his brother Chuck Smith, who also wrote the foreword to Paul Smith's book New Evangelicalism: The New World Order.
  • Phil Johnson, executive Director of Grace to You, a Christian tape and radio ministry featuring the preaching ministry of John MacArthur.
  • Chris Rosebrough, Captain of Pirate Christian Radio and Host of the Fighting for the Faith radio program, holds a degree in Religious Studies and Biblical Languages from Concordia University.
  • Joe Schimmel, Senior Pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California, head of Good Fight Ministries and producer of such films as The Submerging Church and They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll.
  • Gary Gilley, Senior Pastor of Southern View Chapel in Springfield, Illinois, and author of several books including This Little Church Went to the Market: The Church in the Age of Entertainment.
  • Bob DeWaay, former Senior Pastor of Twin City Fellowship in Minneapolis, Minnesota, author of Redefining Christianity: Understanding the Purpose Driven Life Movement, The Emergent Church -- Undefining Christianity as well as over 90 articles on important theological issues through Critical Issues Commentary.
  • Ray Yungen, speaker, research analyst and author of A Time of Departing and For Many Shall Come in My Name.
  • James Sundquist, founder of Rock Salt Publishing and author of Who's Driving the Purpose Driven Church?
  • Eric Ludy, bestselling author of dozens of books on Christian thought and living, the President of Ellerslie Mission Society, teaching pastor at the Church at Ellerslie, the lead instructor in the Ellerslie Leadership Training.
  • Robert LeBus, Bible researcher, apologist and evangelist.

This film is non-profit and FREE, not to be bought or sold, but you do have permission to make copies and distribute freely. To obtain a DVD, simply contact us for a free copy or make a donation with your request:
