Time Magazine: Inside the Evangelical Fight Over Gay Marriage
The "Reformation Project," an LGBTQ advocacy group dedicated to making all churches gay affirming and accepting, is getting a huge spread in Time magazine this month. The project's founder, Matthew Vines, is trumpeting the article as proof that his work is making inroads into the hearts and minds of Christians who once held firm to what the bible has to say about homosexuality, and who now hold firmer to what the popular culture has to say. An excerpt from the magazine highlights the impact Vines has had on the visible church:
The generational shift is easy to spot elsewhere. Consider the Reformation Project, a Wichita, Kans.–based effort by 24-year-old gay evangelical activist Matthew Vines to raise up LGBT-affirming voices in every evangelical church in the country. To reach that goal, he is training reformers in batches of 40 to 50 at regional leadership workshops who can go back to their home churches and serve as advocates for LGBT inclusion. The Reformation Project has staffers in three states, representatives in 25 more and plans for a presence in all 50 states by 2018.
At the group’s conference in Washington, D.C., in early November, some 300 people came from some of the country’s largest megachurches... “The LGBT issue has been one of the most obvious forces behind the increasing loss of regard for Christianity in American culture at large,” Vines says. “It’s like slavery and anti-Semitism, where the tradition got it totally wrong. It’s one of the church’s profound moral failures.”
If you are a paid subscriber, Time will let you read the entire article. Even better, head tosite for an in-depth analysis.