Because I'm Happy?

What function does this serve in a Christian church service? Oh yeah, it brings lots of people to church when you have your band play a secular pop song. At least this band is really good: the lady is a great singer and percussionist, and what talented musicians (listen to the lead guitarist blasting away!); but this is a TOTAL DISTRACTION from the GOSPEL!!! 

Recorded live at Cornerstone Ministries on December 24, 2014 during one of the Christmas Eve programs called "Glorious." For more information, please visit


Want to Grow Your Church? Advertise Sex.

Here is yet another example of a church that believes that in order to grow they have to take out billboard advertising with a provocative and controversial message.

This is not original or innovative. It's getting old. For more examples of this spend time perusing the "Christian Erotica" wing of the Museum of Idolatry.

Dancing Storm Troopers for Easter

Did your church dazzle you with the spectacle of dancing storm troopers on Easter? If not, then you're really missing out. Here's what you would have seen if you had been at Church of the Rock in Winnipeg, Canada.

This video was made by a couple who went to this "church service" just out of sheer curiosity (kind of like driving by the scene of an accident):