Bill Johnson Preaches at Robert Morris' Gateway Church


00:06:54 Tullian Tchividjian Called to Repentance
00:15:57 Lana Vawser Season of Popcorn
00:35:48 Bill Johnson Preaches at Robert Morris' Gateway Church
01:05:53 Sermons Review: Journey with the Holy Spirit Jenn Johnson

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The Dangers of the Passion "Translation"


The Dangers of the Passion "Translation": Interview with Pastor Gervase Charmley

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Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown


Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown's Equivocation, Obfuscation and Manipulation About the New Apostolic Reformation. A "Pirate Gang Conversation" with @Aspree & Steven Kozar

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Scripture Forbids Interpreting Omens


00:08:52 Ryan LeStrange Divine Merge?
00:18:47 Paul Manwaring Interprets Omens at Bethel
00:36:46 Leon Walters Overcoming Impossibilities
00:52:05 Bill Winston Rising to the Top
01:15:12 Sermon Review: United by Ashley Wooldridge

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Silencing God's Voice


00:12:21 Georgian Banov Silences God's Voice With Tall Tales of the Spirit
00:39:34 Jane Hamon Silences God's Voice With Absurdity
00:58:08 Zach Drews & Sasha Volz Silence God's Voice With Sketchy "Prophetic"
01:20:53 Sermon Review: Burden of Power Adam Huschka

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Trump, God's Chaos Candidate?


00:08:16 Jason Hooper Fails Hermeneutics 101
00:19:51 Ryan LeStrange Jehu Generation Rising
00:35:41 Todd Bentley & Rob Hotchkin Jewish New Year Prophecies
00:57:11 Lance Walnau & Michael Brown Trump, God's Chaos Candidate
01:16:14 Sermon Review: Will You Cross Over With Me? by Jane Hamon

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Michael Brown's Spin Control for Bill Johnson


Interview with Phil Johnson RE: Michael Brown's Botched Interview with Bill Johnson

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For further research:

Evaluating Pentecostal Distinctives

William Branham: The Bad Root of the N.A.R.

The Bad Fruit of Experiential "Theology"

Steve Hill's Bible Twisting at Brownsville "Revival"

More False Doctrine at Brownsville "Revival"

The Bill Johnson Cornucopia of False Teaching

When Liars Defend Liars by Church Watch Central

Here is Ben Fitzgerald (Bethel pastor/missionary and son of Christalignment founders) doing the very thing that Bill Johnson claims doesn't ever happen:


Here's a video of various times when Jenn Johnson talks about the Holy Spirit being "like the Genie from Aladdin:"


Bill Johnson told Michael Brown that his daughter doesn't ever talk about the Holy Spirit as being like the Genie from Aladdin anymore. But here's a video from the Bethel TV YouTube channel that's been viewed over 145,000 times! This video is from 2009 but it's still there (as of October 20, 2016):


Below is the part of the above video where she says that the Holy Spirit is "funny" and she "views Him like the Genie from Aladdin." Bethel will probably take the original video off of their YouTube channel soon. You can watch Jenn's entire 48 minute message by going to the iBethelTV site... but it's not free, buddy. You need to pay up if you want revival!! The Johnson family has a lot of financial needs. Do you know how much gas Bill's Aston Martin takes??

Bill's car:

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Tall Tales of the Spirit


00:06:48 Prophecy Open Mic
00:28:49 Matt Sorger Spins Tall Tales of the Spirt
00:44:24 Patricia King Intercession 2.0
01:04:23 Two Good Sermons: Stumbling Blocks & There's a New Temple in Town by Chris Rosebrough

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What Are You Using Your Faith For?


00:06:56 Havilah Cunnington Believing God For...
00:34:42 Billye Brim Anointed to Preach?
00:47:13 Kenneth Hagin You WERE Healed
01:08:48 Sermon Review: Prophecy by Phil Pringle

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Doctrines That Were Made in America


00:10:40 Katie Souza Botches the Doctrine of Original Sin
00:40:01 Bill Johnson & Sid Roth The God is Good "Revelation"
00:57:40 Rick Warren Passing the 10 Common Tests of Life
01:15:36 Sermon Review: Experiential by Dave Sumrall

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New Apostolic Reformation 101


Interview with Holly Pivec on the New Apostolic Reformation

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For further research:

Holly Pivec's books on the New Apostolic Reformation

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Scam Alert: Mike Murdock's Millionaire eReader


00:06:02 Mike Murdock Millionaire eReader
00:38:14 Introduction to the "Apostle" Wendy Alec
01:04:02 Sermon Review: Reset My Vision by John Stickl

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Charisma Mag Senior Editor Blames YOU for Failed Prophesies


00:09:14 Jennifer LeClaire Blames You for Failed Prophesies
00:38:38 Joshua Mills Positively Cites History of Charles Parham
01:03:23 Guillemo Muldando New "Revelation" About the Holy Spirit
01:15:10 Sermon Review: Ex-Squeeze Yourself by Steve Graham of PDX Church

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Further reading: Were Tongues Real Languages?

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Closed Bible "Preaching"


00:08:07 Katherine Ruonala Teaching on Declarations
00:20:44 Fini DeGersigny Advice on Prophecy and Works
00:50:05 Chuck Pierce Our Apostolic Shift
01:10:42 Sermon Review: The Mystery and Power of a Blessing by John Kilpatrick from the Brownsville Revival

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Toronto Blessing or Toronto Curse? Part 2


The Toronto Blessing: No Other Foundation by Alan Morrison

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Is Your Church Ordinary or Has God Made it Spiritually Special?


00:06:43 William Tapley Prophetic Insights to Coup Attempt in Turkey
00:20:53 Lana Vawser Prophetic Word for King’s Way
00:48:48 James Goll Fourth Wave is Coming
01:16:01 Sermon Review: The Jungle Book by Matt Speer

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Toronto Blessing or Toronto Curse? Part 1


The Toronto Blessing: A Different Gospel by Alan Morrison

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Alan Morrison's original video presentation via YouTube

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Steve Hill's Bible Twisting at Brownsville "Revival"


00:07:10 Katt Kerr Channels Jesus?
00:18:36 Shawn Bolz Sees Dead People
00:35:13 Rick Joyner & Bill Johnson Discuss Hosting the Holy Spirit
00:54:26 Louie Giglio They Will Know We Are Christians by our _______
01:05:09 Sermon Review: The Father’s Day Outpouring by Steve Hill, June 18th, 1995 at the Pensacola Brownsville Revival

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The Bad Fruit of Experiential "Theology"


00:04:39 Kris Valloton Calls for Unity with Rome
00:58:50 Sermon Review: Burning Hearts to Change the World by Dr. Michael Brown

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Evaluating Pentecostal Distinctives

William Branham: The Bad Root of the N.A.R.

Waterless Clouds - Includes Isi de Gersigny "Sermon"

Your Dream May Be Bigger Than Your Environment - Includes Isi de Gersigny "Sermon"

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Has Your Church Fallen For the Lies of the N.A.R.?


Chris Rosebrough, @Aspree & Steve Kozar The Six Signs Your Church Has Fallen for the Lies of the New Apostolic Reformation

Here are a LOT of additional resources about The New Apostolic Reformation (this is probably the most extensive compilation of NAR material anywhere on the internet):

The Six Hallmarks of a NAR Church (What your church and your pastor must know!)

The New Apostolic Reformation Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Dominionism, Charismania and Deception (there are 30 links here to extensive articles, interviews and programs-do your homework!)

The Bill Johnson Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bible-Twisting, and General Absurdity

The Rick Joyner Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bible-Twisting and and Overall Wackiness

The Charismatic Day of Infamy: June 28, 2008


Amy writes for the Berean Examiner and the blog Berean Research 

Steven Kozar writes for the Messed Up Church and is the "Master Curator" of The Museum of Idolatry

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