Christians Should Study Trump Prophecies to Rightly Divide Word of God says Jim Bakker
/As Jim Bakker was peddling Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert's book The Trump Prophecies on The Jim Bakker Show on June 6, 2017 he directed his audience to read the book because scripture tells us to study to show ourselves approved, so we can rightly divide the word of truth.
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Yes, Jim Bakker just put a (worthless, money-generating) "prophetic" book on the same level as Holy Scripture. Christians everywhere must now purchase this book and study it so they can rightly divide the word of God, that is, if Jim Bakker is correct...
(Of course Jim Bakker is not correct, so don't buy or study this worthless, money-generating book.)