Heresy Olympics Medals Ceremony

Heresy Olympics Medals Ceremony
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:05 Heresy Olympics Medals Ceremony
00:10:33 Sid Roth & Tim Sheets How to Tap Into Heaven's Angel Network
00:33:27 Peter Rollins Insurrection
00:43:39 Doug Pagitt The More Beautiful World
01:01:35 Good Sermon: The Law Given by Moses by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:10:51 Steve Reeves Misses the Point of Jonah
00:41:27 Steven Furtick Code Orange Revival Day 10 Recap
01:19:51 Sermon Review: Brainwashed by Paul de Jong

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Is God Deciding About the Rapture?

Is God Deciding About the Rapture?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:07:58 Matt Sorger Interviews Chuck Pierce
00:21:00 Rod Parsley & Steve Munsey Say God is Deciding About the Rapture
00:57:38 Carl Lentz Code Orange Revival Night 9 Recap
01:40:16 Sermon Review: Dream Big in Austin by Russell Evans

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Mosaic Covenant Fall Feast Fleecing

Mosaic Covenant Fall Feast Fleecing
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:08:50 Revelation in the News?
00:17:37 Larry Huch Mosaic Covenant Fall Feast Fleecing
00:52:20 Louie Giglio Code Orange Revival Night 7 Recap
01:17:53 Sermon Review: 3rd Reformation by Bill Hamon

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Levi Lusko Adds a New Story to the Bible

Levi Lusko Adds a New Story to the Bible
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:07:34 Sarah Jakes Roberts Cold Season
00:46:18 Levi Lusko Code Orange Revival Night 6 Recap
01:32:52 Sermon Review: Goo is Good by Sophia Barrett

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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The Antichrist is on the Earth!

The Antichrist is on the Earth
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:42 Prophecy Open Mic
00:20:29 Perry Stone Says God Told Him the Antichrist is on the Earth
00:48:06 Craig Groeschel Code Orange Revival Night 5 Recap
01:15:38 Sermon Review: Regurgitated Andy Stanley False Teaching by Patrick Holden

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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Giant Defiant Faith??

Giant Defiant Faith??
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:11:17 Jennifer LeClaire Adds to Scripture
00:22:09 Beth Moore Giant Defiant Faith
00:45:26 Joyce Meyer Code Orange Revival Day 4 Recap
01:15:04 Two Good Sermons by Bryan Wolfmueller & Jeremy Rhode

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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You're Not David!

You're Not David!
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:09 Vonda Tries & Fails at Apologizing for False Trump Prophecy
00:37:34 John Gray Compared to Matt Chandler
00:45:39 Christine Caine Code Orange Revival Day 3 Recap
01:12:53 Sermon Review: Led by the Spirit by Col Ireland

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. You can join our crew or make a one-time gift. We depend upon your generosity to help bring Fighting for the Faith to you and the world.

Strange Winds of Doctrine Blowing in Charlotte

Strange Winds of Doctrine Blowing in Charlotte
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:07:35 Joel Osteen Miracles Out of Mistakes
00:20:34 John Gray Code Orange Revival Night 2 Recap
01:10:12 Sermon Review: You're the Man by T.D. Jakes

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Code Orange Bible Challenge

Grab your Bible or open your favorite Bible app and see if you can locate the Bible passages that teach these doctrines.

Note: every one of these doctrines have been taught during the first 4 days of the Code Orange Revival and have been tweeted out by people following the Code Orange Revival.

Doctrine #1:

Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that God will give you the word for a storm you're not in yet.

Doctrine #2

Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that when you release what's in you, God will revive what's around you.

Doctrine #3

Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that the distance between your anointing and your announcement is the process.

Doctrine #4

Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that worship is a substance that only God can handle.

Doctrine #5

Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that the password to your miracle is the sound of your praise.

Doctrine #6

Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that if you don't deal with yesterday today, you will never step into tomorrow. 

We wish you the best of luck finding all the Biblical passages that teach these doctrines. You're going to need much more than luck because the Bible doesn't teach any of these doctrines.

Don't believe me? You will as soon as you realize that not one of these doctrines are found in scripture. Everyone of these statements are a myth.


For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
— 2 Timothy 4: 3-4

For more information on how the Bible is getting twisted in many popular churches:

Bible-Believing Christian??


The Rhythm of Heresy

The Rhythm of Heresy
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:08:55 Vonda Brewer Time for Her to Dump Her "Ministry" and Repent
00:16:11 Steven Furtick Code Orange Revival Night 1 Recap
01:21:30 Sermon Review: Give God Some Space by Vicki Simpson

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. You can join our crew or make a one-time gift. We depend upon your generosity to help bring Fighting for the Faith to you and the world.