You have been sent this link because of the lies being spread on the internet by Joshua Chavez and his former cult leader James Aloysius Prasch, Jr. of Moriel. (that’s his real name).

“There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him:

haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil,” (Proverbs 6:16–18)

It is important to note that in his most recent hit-pieces against me, Mr. Chavez merely warmed up some old “left-overs” of false allegations and malice filled lies that were being spread about me years ago; lies of which I was exonerated twice by the American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC). Chavez did not bring anything new to the table, in fact, Mr. Chavez, rather ironically, relied heavily on documents that both I and my son had made publicly available regarding these matters. Nothing Chavez brought up in his video regarding me was left out of the AALC’s investigations including my ex-son-in-law. In fact, the presiding pastor of the AALC at the time, Dr. Curtis Leins had extensive communications and dealings with my ex-son-in-law and Dr. Leins is fully aware of all the circumstances that led up to my daughter’s divorce as well the ordeals we’ve been made to endure since her divorce was finalized.

As for the investigations, the first investigation was in the summer of 2017 and no evidence was provided to the AALC that could substantiate even the least of the charges that were lodged against me. Because of that fact, I was quickly exonerated by the Executive Committee of the AALC. The second investigation was in the summer of 2018 and I was the one who requested that investigation. The second investigation took several months and the allegations that were addressed and the evidence provided were far more extensive than the first investigation. Included in the both investigations were the allegations that my son was a homosexual and that I participated in an alleged coverup of his sin. The second investigation also resulted my exoneration.

Unlike Chavez, I actually have true accountability via the AALC's Clergy Commission and Executive Committee. And unlike Chavez or his former cult leader James Prasch, the AALC considered all the evidence in both investigations and the AALC found zero grounds for removing me from ministry. All of this is documented here

For the record:

1) I have never engaged in Heavy Shepherding.
2) I have never spiritually abused anyone including those whom I serve and have previously served as a pastor.
3) Neither my wife nor myself have ever once required anyone to confess their sins to us. Nor have we ever blackmailed anyone.
4) I’ve never lied or covered up for my son.
5) I am not a Narcissist.

As for the claims about my son:

1) He's not a homosexual nor has he ever been.
2) He’s not a bi-sexual nor has he ever been.
3) He's never had a homosexual or bi-sexual relationship with anyone (this includes the fictitious married shipmate that he's supposed to have 'wrecked' the marriage of).
4) My wife and I never caught him saving money for gender reassignment surgery.
5) He was never kicked off a Navy submarine for homosexual activity.
6) Everyone of the remaining allegations are also lies and All of these allegations against my son were considered and weighed by the AALC's during their investigations. All of that and more is explained here

Mr. Chavez is a very convincing liar. I've seen few who are as gifted at lying, reviling and distorting facts and weaving false narratives as Joshua Chavez. Over and again I have watched him double and triple down on his lies even after they’ve been thoroughly debunked and even after I have publicly and privately confronted him with is lies. Pray for him because his malice and impenitence have nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

By spreading Chavez’s lies you are sinning against me and my family. “An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.” (Proverbs 17:4)

I would like to know where Mr. Chavez attends church and who his pastor is so that I can follow the steps laid out by Jesus in Matthew 18 in calling Mr. Chavez to repent for the lies that he is spreading about me and my family members. Somehow, I have serious doubts that Mr. Chavez has any type of Biblical accountability and you may want to ask him about that.

Also, ask Mr. Chavez how his wife is doing because that entire video is an attempt on Mr. Chavez’s part to deflect attention away from him and his scam marriage (see addendum below). In fact, ask Chavez if he'd be willing to allow an independent investigation into his marriage to Joelle and the reasons they are currently separated and for the findings of that independent investigation to be made public the same way the findings of the AALC were made public in the investigations regarding me (see the letter posted below).

Pastor Chris Rosebrough



I had the ability to confront Mr. Chavez regarding the lies that he’s been spreading about me and the scam marriage he orchestrated with a woman from South Africa. Mr. Chavez has yet to acknowledge his marriage and based on the evidence that I have in my possession it is clear the Mr. Chavez is not qualified to be in ministry. Let me explain. If he isn’t married to this woman from South Africa then he’s guilty of sexual immorality due to the fact that they’ve had sexual relations (post-wedding ceremony), if he is married then he needs to explain why he sent her back to South Africa shortly after their honeymoon and demonstrate that he has Biblical grounds for his separation from Joelle. Since being sent back home his wife has been publicly “standing” for her marriage and is actively seeking to be reconciled and reunited with her husband. Chavez on the other hand has ghosted this woman and will not acknowledge that the two of them exchanged vows in a private marriage ceremony.

Here is a photo from their wedding day.

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Here are Chavez’s hand written wedding vows

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Here is proof that Chavez’s former cult leader, James Aloysius Prasch, Jr. (that’s his real name) knew about the private wedding ceremony.

The person with whom he is corresponding is Chavez’s wife, Joelle, and Prasch is basically telling her that because they had a private house wedding ceremony rather than a legal ceremony that she is not entitled to say that she is Mrs. Chavez.

Prasch Knew.jpg

What follows is an exchange that I had with Mr. Chavez on his “ministry” FaceBook page where I posted the link to the article from Protestia which made public Chavez’s wedding vows and Chavez’s response and my responses. It is important to note that Mr. Chavez quickly deleted my comments. But my comments demonstrate that the reason Chavez is attacking me, Justin Peters and others is because we’re publicly speaking the truth about Chavez’s sham, ministry disqualifying, marriage and divorce.


Chavez’s response to this was to triple-down on his lies and not acknowledge his marriage. Here was my finally parting shot to Mr. Chavez, which he was quick to remove from his FaceBook.

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