Message to Gateway: HE IS RISEN - not "it" is risen

Good Friday is a time to for churches to preach how Christ was lifted up on the cross so that people may know that are forgiven of their sins. Resurrection Sunday is a time for churches to proclaim "He is risen indeeed".

But for some reason, Gateway Church decided to advertise their Easter with this tasteless erectile dysfunction ad spoof.

Worst Easter Advertisement EVER! Run Away! Don't Look!!

And the Worst Easter Advertisement in the History of the Christian Church Award goes to....Action Church

No matter how many times you say to yourself "make it go away" what you're about to see will plague you for the rest of your life. You've been warned...



There's still time to turn back...



You asked for it...




City Harvest Church caught in a bad... bromance

City Harvest Church in Singapore singing and dancing about their relationship with Jesus. This is the church that bought you Pastrix Sun Ho (a.k.a. "Geisha"). On the plus side, where have you ever before heard such clever rhymes as "Jesus, heals our diseases?" And, hey, they sure have lovely singing voices! Maybe these guys could get a lucrative recording contract, too?!

The leaders of this church to this day are still in court over mishandling church funds of up to US $46.3 million.

Lampooning Moses Cartoon "Sermon Opener"

The Crossing Church in Elk River, MN opened this past Sunday's "sermon" with this silly over-dubbed old cartoon. Why? We have no idea. Clearly, lampooning Biblical stories, in Eric Dykstra's way of thinking, is an important part of evangelism. "Hey, we still use the Bible and stuff, but we make fun of it, too. Do you like us now? Will you join our church, please?"

Call us old school, but we believe pastors who preach God's Holy Word should treat it as if it actually is God's Holy Word.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God” (1 Peter 4:10–11)

BTW, the Story of Moses is NOT about Moses. It's about God and more specifically, its about Jesus.

You Give Church a Bad Name

This is one of the most bizarre attempts at relevancy that we’ve ever seen performed by a pastor. When did pastors decide that embarrassing themselves was somehow good for the church?

This artifact of apostasy comes to us via Duneland Community Church, Chesterton, IN and features the creative attempts at relevancy of Pastor Greg Arthur. Sorry Greg, but this gives church a bad name.

Wrecking Ball of a "Praise Song"

Could someone explain to us the purpose of having a church's praise band perform Miley Cyrus's song, Wrecking Ball? Newspring Church, under the "pastoral care" of Perry Noble did exactly that.

Makes perfect sense if you think about it. Miley Cyrus is a paragon of Christian virtues and morality...cough...well... she was rated G years ago when she was Hannah Montana. But, clearly she's made some effort to shed the G rating and is now rated PG-13... no, R... no, is it X?

Video from Newspring's Church performance is posted below; notice how they projected the lyrics so that the people at Newspring Church could sing along, just like a praise song. This is done under the very mistaken idea that "we have to get unbelievers into church anyway we can!" 

A viewer comment from the YouTube page says it well (quoting C.H. Spurgeon): "A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats."

Are you ready for the Word?

Founding pastor Brian Houston of Hillsong Church asked his Hillsong Church London, "Are you ready for the Word?" This was the response to Brian Houston's question:

 Did you know that Galatians 5:1 means Christ has set us free to "move it, move it"?

Here are some of the lyrics to the above song:

"We don't party hardly, we just party hard

And not because we're bored

We do it cos we're born again!"

This idolatry piece get's even weirder at 5:30, when Mister Sparkly makes an appearance. You've gotta admit, this is one amazingly elaborate and professional production. If attracting  a large audience and then whipping them into a frenzy is the goal, Hillsong is very successful. 

Because I'm Happy?

What function does this serve in a Christian church service? Oh yeah, it brings lots of people to church when you have your band play a secular pop song. At least this band is really good: the lady is a great singer and percussionist, and what talented musicians (listen to the lead guitarist blasting away!); but this is a TOTAL DISTRACTION from the GOSPEL!!! 

Recorded live at Cornerstone Ministries on December 24, 2014 during one of the Christmas Eve programs called "Glorious." For more information, please visit