What happens when you replace "Movie Title" with the breathed-out Word of God...
Dumb question: Why does the visible church think that it needs Hollywood movies to draw people to Jesus Christ? Why do so-called anointed pastors feel they need to use sermons designed by Christian mystics who dramatize a very different Jesus and a different gospel?
The newest Easter fad is A.D., the Roma Downey/Mark Burnett-produced film that some powerful pastoral pontificators want you to immerse yourself in on Resurrection Sunday. But don't stop at just Easter; make sure your small groups and your church bulletins are aligned under the mantle mandate.
They offer the Church 5 reasons to jump on their bandwagon. May I humbly suggest that you read these - and just for fun, substitute in your mind the word, "Scripture."
If you're thinking about ways to use the A.D. series in your church, here are five things you can do today to get your congregation ready for this special event.
1. Watch the A.D. series intoduction video with Executive Producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey. Show the A.D. Trailer at your church, share it on your church website and social media pages.
2. Order the A.D. Digital Church Kit and get access to sermons and streaming videos.
3. Get free A.D. Digital Downloads including bulletin insert, printable invitation, and web/social media graphics.
4. Launch A.D. small groups and open those groups to anyone interested in learning more during the 12 week series.
5. Order A.D. customizable resources like indoor and outdoor banners, bulletin shells, postcards, and door hangers and use them to increase participation during your series and small groups.
We're excited to see how God will use this TV series to open hearts and introduce people to the story of Jesus. Get your church ready to take this message to their neighbors and friends!