Pirate Christian Media

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Beth Moore Predicts God Will Unite All Sectors of Christendom-Pulpit and Pen

The ever-wacky and overly-caffeinated Beth Moore is hearing from God again. Here's an article from our friends at Pulpit and Pen about her latest TV Show prophecy:

Beth Moore Predicts God Will Unite All Sectors of Christendom-Pulpit and Pen

For further research, here is a list of the many Fighting for the Faith episodes where Beth Moore's teaching has been carefully analyzed and compared to God's Word: Fighting for the Faith (check out the "Future Outpouring" episode first)

For those of you who think it's mean and un-loving to criticize Beth Moore (or any other popular teacher) here's a list of Bible verses to consider: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.

Finally, here's an important article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.