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Bill Johnson's Scripture Twisting

Here are some good articles about the false teaching of Bill Johnson and Bethel Church: 

"Herescope" is one of the blogs that does a very good job of dissecting his confusing and anti-biblical ideas: Herescope: BILL JOHNSON: Squandering Our Spiritual Inheritance

Here's an excellent and scholarly article by Bob DeWaay about Johnson's book "When Heaven Invades Earth:" http://www.cicministry.org/commentary/issue124.htm

Here's a brief article about the temptation to "be like God" from Pastor Curtis Leins: http://curtisleins.tumblr.com/post/77906264683/temptation-to-be-like-god

Here's an article that shows how Bill Johnson not only misuses the Bible, but language itself: https://notunlikelee.wordpress.com/2012/02/20/learning-etymology-with-bill-johnson-a-new-age-repentance/

Here's a brief article about the Word of Faith teaching from Kris Valloton: http://crossencountersmin.com/general-info/kris-vallotton-just-another-word-of-faith-false-teacher/

Here's an article about Bill Johnson's and Bethel's New Age connections: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=15508